====================================================================== Title : HOTLAVA Filename : HOTLAVA.map Authour : ChickenFucker E-mail : camelfromjupiter@yahoo.com Web Page : none as yet Misc. Author Info : I love Iron Maiden! Up the irons!(oh, and Metallica) Other Levels : none Description : Tense multiplayer map, good for 2 - 4 players loads of running through vents, setting pipebomb traps. Ahhh, the gore! Additional Credits To : Myself ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User level Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No - maximum of 4 to keep it from overcrowding Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : Nope New Music : Not bloody likely New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : look, Demos Replaced : What fucking twat writes these templates? All it's just a multiplayer level, k? So if you dont like it I've got two words for you, "Suck it!" ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch...ing my arse Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : 2 hours Known Bugs/Problems : Yeh, if you shit on your screen whilst playing, it can obstruct your view. Incase you are a fucking cretin, THERE ARE NO BUGS! - but if you do find any, e-mail me. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Over there. How dumb can you get? If you are reading this then you must have already downloaded it doh! ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : 1) Take down your pants. 2) Do a shit on the floor. 3) Final stage; eat the shit. Important Notes : Fuck all of you(but thanks for downloading the level!)dicks. Copyright issues : Do what the fuck you like with this level. Here are some suggestions: 1) Shove it up your arse. 2) Put it onto a disk and try to ram it in your cdrom drive. 3) Put a lap dancer sprite in it (if your'e that sad) and have a good old wank. But dont cum on the keyboard, it'll just get sticky and will be very hard to clean off. ======================================================================