====================================================================== Title : The Hottub Author : Jay Graham E-mail : Goof@ix.netcom.com Web Page : none Description : In the future the land has become a vast artic wasteland. And the best way to kick back and relax is going and sitting by the big lava pit which has been named "The Hottub." There people can watch TV on the big jumbo trons or sleep in warmth without any trouble whatsoever. Duke Nukem wakes up and decides to go "kick back and relax." After about an hour or so a bunch of rat bastards come along and start making trouble cause they can't find any beach chairs. Well, least to say the next twenty minutes was all out war between all the pit goers. Before long the place is ravaged by warfare. The rock of the mountains is caving in and sticking out all over the area. Most of the pit goers are either dead or have run away. Only people left are duke and one to seven others looking for some trouble. Duke takes a deep breath and gets ready to make the Hottub peacefull for all again. Well, after working on the Build system for a little while getting to know the ups and downs I decided to make my first level simple and fun. Somewhat like the Stadium level it is small. I put some debre and lots of weapons about. I also made the RPG harder to get by putting it in the middle of the Hottub. And there is a shrinker and trip mines. They are easy to get but hard to pinpoint for some people. I hate both of these weapons but knew I had to put them in. I put them in a place so if you don't want to you can leave them be and have a really fun game. Hope you enjoy. I love feedback so send me some e-mail would ya! I will respond to anything you send. I can also provide info on new maps, rts files, and goings on in Ten. :-) So be in touch will ya! Additional Credits to : Hats off to some great guys over at T.E.N. who helped me beta test and give some insight. Odo - Philip Brown RenArtist - Robert Guthrie Xavius - Jeff "The Man" And Chookman for inspiration (obituary.map's pedistal jump) ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Whatever Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None that I am aware of * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: FTP.CDROM.COM ===========================================================================