pathogenic 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well this map is close to pathogenic 1 and that map seems to have done pretty well except for the low rating, so for you high frag rate lovers this is another map for you! enjoy.. [FILENAME] [AUTHOR]: EXILE [E-MAIL]: [HOMEPAGE] [SINGLE PLAYER?]:no [DUKEMATCH?]:yes!! [CO-OP PLAY?]:no [DIFFICULTY SETTINGS]: Not Implemented [BASE]: New level from scratch [EDITOR USED]: Build [VERSION]: 1.4 [known bugs]: -NONE [check out my other maps]---> 1rstmap "Blatbust"(a few bugs in this one)first levs always suck!! EXTRA ===>BlatbustV1.4 much better than the first [s/c/d] 2th map "Co2"(same defect in water SE 7)i guess i didn't really improve huh?? 3rd map "Pathogenic"(no bugs found)kewl lev for 2 players 4rth map "Blistek"(no bugs found)small.... 5th map "Residex"(no bugs)i love this one.... 6th map "Pathogenic2 (no bugs) ehhh not my type but for network players.. You can find these levels at-> [The Adrenaline Vault]:kewl site with all the maps, & info u need for duke3d-->#1 Duke3d site by elitegames!!! * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute these maps, provided you include all files, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these files intact. I am also not below accepting a free copy of the CD!! thanx. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===-==- ~FL@SHBURN~