=========================================================== ---=== ===--- =========================================================== A Duke Nukem 3D fragfest FILENAME : pinn5.map AUTHOR : Lord Dreager aka Steve Tice E-MAIL : dreager1@aol.com web page :http:/members.aol.com/dreager1/index.html/ DESCRIPTION : major dukematch action authored for the pinnacle bbs houston tx at 281-530-7365 best GAMEING board around large map with lotsa of hidden sniper spots. p.s look behind the waterfall. open areas and confined areas. a couple of traps to waste your foes with. =========================================================== Enjoy =========================================================== SINGLE PLAYER? : no DUKEMATCH? : Yes CO-OP PLAY? : no DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build KNOWN BUGS : None Known OTHER LEVELS BY LORD DREAGER : XKILL SERIES, penn3, pinn5, pes 5,6,7,8,9 FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the file PENN5.map into your Duke Nukem 3D directory. At the command prompt, type duke3d -map penn3.map =========================================================== =========================================================== YOU CAN USE THIS LEVEL TO BUILD FROM BUT THIS FILE MUST BE ATTACHED ALSO I REQUIRE NOTIFICATION VIA E-MAIL THANX