=========================================================================================== Tile: Phase9 Author: Billy Michaels(Billy_Bob) E-mail: Mopphead@cris.com or BMicha7285@aol.com Description: This is my first DukeMatch level.The object of you're mission is to kill your opponent.There are many different styles of maps dealt with here, kind of a compilation. Additional credits: I would like to thank Archpimp and P.J. for helping me test and for giving me a couple of ideas along with help when I couldn't figure something out.Also Brett Gmoser for the VERY helpful FAQ. =========================================================================================== *Play Information* Episode & Level #: E1L1 Single Player: NO DukeMatch Level: YES!!! Difficulty Settings: Not Implemented *Construction* Base: New level from scratch(took about 1 week) Editor Used: Build v1.97 Known Bugs: I didn't notice anything wrong.