From:McGarnicle To:The World Re: This is a level I created for Duke 3d based on Arena2.wad which I made a long time ago for Doom ][. The maps which seem to have been posted on the net so far have just been big cavern-like rooms with tons of weapons and a subway car. I've tried to design Rainnier with the limitations of TEN and modem play in mind. There are no subways or huge moving sectors, this slows things down with huge lag times. There are also no sound F/X sprites put in by me. I did this because the sound packets seem to slow down modem play as well, and all it really means is the doors and lifts don't make noises, everything else still does. I have placed each weapon in only one place in the level, but there is enough ammo floating around to kill a bunch. I did this to force players to roam and to make it a little more difficult for teams to control a certain area. I've tested it on TEN with 4 players and it seems to work great. If any problems arise I'll post a v1.5 of this level which will be fixed and posted in the file factory. If you have any comments, suggestions, or praise feel free to email me at: