LOGO Best if Viewed in MS-DOS Text Editor.... +-----+ | | +---+ | | Û Û | | | | +-----+ | | | Û |----/ \--| Û Û | +-----+ | Û Û | | | | Û | | | | Û Û | | | | Û | /-----\| Û Û |---+ | | Û Û |------+ | Û Û || | Û | Û | | | Û Û |-| || Û Û | | | | Û Û | Û Û | | Û Û || | Û | Û | ====================================== REALCITY.MAP BY JASON MCLAUCHLIN Note: This file contains only basic information, there is a lot more in info in realcity.htm, including majorpoints of interest, how to finish the levels, and a few other useful items of information. Realcity.htm is included in the zip file. INSTALLATION: Installation is simple. Just dump the files into the duke3d directory and run the batch. The batch file determines the version of the game and creates a user.con to link the 2 maps together. If there is an existing user.con it will copy it to userold.rlc. Once the game is finished it is then renamed automaticaly. If it does not end normally and you must reboot. Just rename userold.rlc to user.con. The HTML file is useable as long as the images are in the same directory. And that directory can be anywhere. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Title : The Real City Filenames : Realcity.zip Author : Jason Mclauchlin E-mail : jfmcl@grove.net Misc. Author Info : High School Student Other Levels : Aquapark.map List of Files : Realcity.map Morecity.map Realcity.txt Realcity.bat Logo.txt Realcity.con Rc_atom.con Realduke.zip Realduke.txt R_golf.map R_Karts.map R_Soccer.map R_Joust.map Realcity.htm Fboards.gif Rclogo.gif Description : It is 2 years after the massacre at Aquapark, where he has haulted the ailen invasion before it started. Contented at saving the world, He is now living comfortably in a place called Realcity, he has absolutely no idea of its geographic location, but he definately knows he's living there. Unfortunately now the world now has a new threat. With their breedingfacility gone the Dominion of Covert Ailen Operations (D.A.C.O.) Has started a new breeding ground. The sewers of Realcity, have been infested for a long time and now that infestation has uprooted itself. Slimers hatched and slowly made their way through pluming systems of the residential community. Once inside a house they would attack and posess the victim. Making him or her "assimilated". Then the real terror arrives. As word was spread of the infestation, mobs of people tired flee the city. An ailen destroyer launched directly form the mothership then descended to slaughter the remanining inhabitants. The force then moves on to the next city. Duke has just returned from his cabin in the rockies (A little remote location he likes to call "His breeding ground"). His arrival is strangely marked, as he sees empty streets. Then he sees that now he is too late. He has caught the tail end of the invasion. He returns home from the airport in his rental car to find his Own car the 2044 Ferrari, in flames! Duke is now pissed. He must now destroy the enemy occupation of Realcity and hope to defeat its the Lunar Assult Commander that is behind the invasion... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Additional Credits To: A Wise man by the name of Hallmark once said, "Thanks is such a little word, but I hope you see that there is a lot more attached in the form of appriecation." Here is to whom I say thanks. (In order of how long i've known them.) Here is to whom I say thanks: Philip Hebert: BETA TESTER PHebert664@aol.com Philip is a computer science major at Georgia Tech and among the first of the great duke architects. Everyone with duke and a modem has played one of Philip's levels, His map 911 has the all time download record on Elitegames taking in over 5600 hits, more than 2000 higher than the nearest competitor. I was ecstatic when he agreed to take a look at my first level and test it, and now much later I'm grateful for his beta-testing of this map. Philip is also responsible for the sliding mirror door in the Community Center in the second level. An inredible feat. My thanks Philip! John R. Leonard (KASAI): BETA TESTER john@cosmo.jah.or.jp John has been a long-time keyboard pal of mine. He's an awesome Network Engineer who has saved the world on a few occasions. :-) He's a die hard Duker, Mapmaker, and one hell of a comrade. He works over 12 hours a day and still finds time to write letters and beta-test levels for me! John and I have now undertaken a joint-map project that is a full-blown theme park. Something I've always wanted to do. Look for dukeland.map in the near future, And play John's Maps CAVES and CAVES2 for many a hour of subterranean mayhem. Thank you John! András Piroska: BETA TESTER pirihome@bendeguz.elender.hu As a High School student, András and I have a lot in common. We are also in the same unnamed TC group working on an unnamed project. Andras has amazing technical skill and was my toughest critic. He tested the map to the limits, finding little things that I had overlooked a thousand times. He has a no-limits attitude about maps, something my 486 heavily contradicts, but a respectable skill nevertheless. To see András's talent first hand, check out Shopcntr.map and Cadammed.map. Thanks András! BARTMAN bartman@aceinfo.com I thank BARTMAN for Reviewing Aquapark, and Realcity. Not to mention about 1,000 other favors! If it wasn't for Bartman's response to my pleas for help, Aquapark would probably still be languishing at the bottom of the EG server. His review of Aqua_DM also gave me an idea of how to finally make a decent dukematch level. Hopefully the ones I'm including will be up to par. THANKS! Matt Carver mcarver@erols.com (address may not be valid) Matt is in here for allowing me to use his brilliant put put golf course idea and expand on it by adding themes. It was the coolest idea I've seen in any level. And it also inspired my idea of the working bowling alley and the soccer field. To see the original course check out Apark.map. Thanks a lot Matt! And finally all the sites that took in Aquapark and made it at home: DeAd mEaT's DUKE NUKEM 3D Zone http://www.hawaiian.net/~marcus/ 3D World - Legion's Duke Nukem Maps http://www.public.asu.edu/~dep70/ ELITEGAMES.COM - Duke Nukem 3D Pages http://www.elitegames.com/duke3d/ Largedog's Duke Page http://www.primenet.com/~largedog/dukepage.htm Snoz's Duke single player maps page http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/snoz.wicked/dukemaps.htm Stals.CoM - Ultimate Duke Nukem 3D Site http://www.stals.com/duke3d/ The LAZER'S BEAM http://members.aol.com/lazer711/index.html Welcome to King Link & Games! http://www.kinglink.com/duke3d.html Duke Nukem 3D at the Mecca http://www.meccaworld.com/duke/index.htm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2L1, E2L2 Single Player : yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No, Too Big Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, Just Right Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : No =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Construction * Base : Modified Aquapark.map (Before it was published) Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : NONE Construction Time : 3 Months and Counting Known Bugs : None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Authors may NOT use ANY of these maps as a base for additional levels. More information in Realcity.htm