============================================================================= Title : RELAY STATION Filename : relay.map Author : ALANSTER aka Alan Bellows Email Address : abellows@burgoyne.com Misc Info. : Toward a goal of making a Duke level which is fun for single-play or Dukematch, I have developed this level. May it provide you with great Duking solo or blowing the hell out of a neighbor. Don't wander into the open space areas... splut. Description : A relay station in orbit around Earth, which has found itself infested with buggers of the alien variety. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to blow the hell out of anything that moves. This text file will self-destruct in five seconds... Additional Credits : Ken Silverman, for not being a hozer in public, and of course to the Levelord for his splendid examples, the quality of which has yet to be met. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Hell yes. DukeMatch level : Oh, yeah. Difficulty Settings : You'd better beleive it. * Construction * Base : New level from absolute scratch Editors Used : Many many hours of BUILD. Yummy. Known Bugs : Wacky things happen in the outer space parts. Not really bugs, just unusual. ============================================================================= Permission granted for NON-COMMERCIAL distribution, provided that RELAY.MAP is unaltered, and that this text file is included and unaltered. Commercial distribution to be allowed ONLY with author's permission. This map may NOT be used as a base for your own levels, and there will be no later release containing nudity. This map must be distributed as RELAY.ZIP, which contains REALYMAP.ZIP and REALY.TXT. If you accept these terms then type "accepted" as the REALYMAP.zip unzip password. ALANSTER (abellows@burgoyne.com)