Title: B-Ball Full Name: B-Ball.map Author: Jeff Morin (OZZYO on TEN) E-Mail Address: jaym@gate.net Discription: I wanted to do a different type of map.A type of map for everyone Some People like to camp,some people like big open areas like Stadium and some like to have walls around them.It has it all. Good luck if you try to beat the level on single player.Its pretty hard. Single Player: Yes Coop: No Deathmatch: Yes New Graphics: No New Music: No Editor Used: BUILD and another Build type program designed by Jennifer Lynn. Build Time: About 3-4 hours Bugs: Im 90% that its bug free. CREDITS: Brett Gmoser and Klaus Breuer Again for there build FAQ's. 3DREALMS. COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS: You can NOT use this level as a base to build other levels. And you may NOT modify this level B-Ball.MAP at all.You may distibute this level freely BUT only if you include this text file B-Ball.TXT with it. November 1,1996