====================================================================== Title : Station Break Author : The DAMMNED One (T.D.O.) Note : I think the word " DAMNED" looks better with two M's. : That's the reason why I wrote it that way. E-mail : DAMMNED1 @ Pacbell.net Description : Just another Deathmatch level... with a few added secrets and traps... heh heh heh... (My first one!) ((Deathmatch, that is)) Additional Credits to: All the wonderful people who make tutorials for build, My Brain, and 3dRealms (you've probably seen this a billion times) for such a great game. ======================================================================  Play Information  Episode and Level # : Just run it. Single Player : No. Unless you want to check it out. DukeMatch Level : Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and there's plenty of gum. Difficulty Settings : Nope. Hint  : If you happen upon The Dammned One's Altar, please take heed of the message... I'm the one who has to clean up the mess. Thank You.   Construction  Base : New level from the depths of my twisted brain. Build time : Too long... Probably a week. Of course that's all the : together. I spent a lot of time working on and off. Editor(s) used : Build. What else? Known Bugs : I am unaware of any, so if they exist. TS Messin : If you want to mess with this map, do whatever you please, just don't take credit for my work, or The Dammned One will destroy you.  Where to get this MAP file  You have it. If you don't, how'd you get this .txt file? Duh.                                  =========================================================================== "THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS," So don't bug them about MY level. They frown on that sort of thing -- expecially when they're trying to create Duke Nukem Forever! So don't bug em! I want to play a GOOD game, OK???