Stlthhel is a map inspired my Earthwar and the Stealth maps. I liked the water fall in EW, but thought it could be done a little better, so I did it. I made it where you can swim up the water fall and go into the room behind it. The rest of the map will remind you somewhat of the Stealth maps. The main, BIG, tower is there as well as the pit below it. However, I've added a new feature...Force Fields. At the tower, just before you cross and at the top of the hallway to the tower, are two force fields. This is a good way to slow down someone following you and also makes a good 'MURDER ROOM', where you drop the field long enough to shoot them and then raise it before they can get to you. I've play tested it about a dozen times and each time I get complimented on the level. I hope you enjoy it, I sure did! Sandyman