======================================================================= = Title :Survival Author :Me! (Patrick) E-mail :None Description :This is a almost PERFECT DUKEMATCH LEVEL there is a control room at the bleu side in front of the arrow,you can control everything,from CANNONS to a DOOR WITH ENEMIES BEHIND IT (P.S.there is also a minefield) Additional Credits to :The BuildBuilders (get it?) He,eigenlijk spreek ik Nederlands dus m`n Engels is niet zo goed! Hey,actually I speak Dutch so my English is not very good! ======================================================================= = * Play Information * Episode and Level :?!?!?! Single Player :No Dukematch Level :Yes Difficulty Settings :Not implented * Construction * Base :New level from scratch Editor(s) used :Build only Known Bugs :the fences somewhere in the level are invisible * Where to get this MAP file * Only at my place (And I aint gonna tell you where the heck that is.)