====================================================================== Title : Temple of the Elements (Temple.map) Author : Ryan DeBraal E-mail : speed@wirural.net Web Page : Description : Welcome to the crossroads of the universe where the very fabric of the universe has been woven together, the "Temple of the Elements", and now this mystic realm is undersiege by the entity known only as the Dark Emperor who hales from a dark region of space, the threads of time and space have been stretched to there limit and now the universe is threatened to be torn apart, only Duke Nukem has the ability to defeat the oncoming menace from causing an unimaginable cataclysm........... Additional Credits to : 3D Realms, and the BUILD editor ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : Built from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None to my knowledge * Where to get this MAP file * Well....if you have this .txt file you probably already have the level Other: I am very proud of this level, as well as all my creations, please enter the temple with an open mind and a clear conscience (please don't use cheat codes), this is the first level in a trilogy titled, "The saga of the Dark Emperor" Mission: To beat mother nature at her own game and restore the universe to order Time to create: aproximently 3 days Time to complete: 3:00 minutes-flat ===========================================================================