====================================================================== Title : The Yard Author : Bill Tatton E-mail : wtatton@sisna.com Web Page : http://www.moab.net/zerohour.htm Description : While kicking ass against the aliens on earth, Duke's special forces team traveled towards the aliens home world to neutralize the threat at the source. On their way, they discovered a class M planet completely conquered by the same aliens who were presently attacking earth. After the assault team landed on the planet, no further communications could be established. After taking care of the aliens here on earth, Duke heads toward the planet hoping to rescue his men. His ship is shot down upon approaching the conquered planet. He is tortured and tossed into prison, awaiting execution. Duke managages to overpower a guard and escape through a water access tunnel. He finds himself in the prison yard, he must find his way out. NOTE: The search lights actually work, avoid them until you have enough ammo. This level was made with the experienced Duke Addict in mind. If you find yourself stuck, look around CAREFULLY, there is a way out. Every obstacle, no matter how hard it seems, has a very easy solve. Think about it, and check out your surroundings. I HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST!!!! Additional Credits to : Very special thanks to Jeana Brinkerhoff, my partner and love who has encouraged me every moment since I decided to do THREE FULL EPISODES for Duke. Very special thanks to Joe Lema for doing such a wonderful web page for me. Joe can be reached at webmaster@moab.net. He does ass-kicking pages for a damn good price. Very special thanks to Brett Russel for testing my levels. His help is invaluable. As alway thanks to 3D Realms for creating the game of games. ====================================================================== INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Copy all files to Duke3d directory. 2) Type theyard. 3) That's it, have a ball. 4) Select new game and then LA Meltdown for your episode. NOTE: Thanks to Matt Cake for the launcher. I have modified it to handle my needs but it was his baby. All files are restored to original condition after you are done playing "The Yard". ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : This will be the second level of my first episode Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Waste o' me time, play it hard!! * Construction * Base : Duh! New level. Editor(s) used : Build, the only one. Known Bugs : None, let me know if you find one, I'll fix it. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: Brett Russel's Duke Nukem 3D Levels (use your search engine, can't remember site off hand). ZeroHour Software site http://www.moab.net/zerohour.htm BBS numbers: Other: =========================================================================== COMMENTS: THIS LEVEL AS WELL AS NIGHTRUN.MAP ARE PROPERTY OF ZEROHOUR SOFTWARE AND MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED ON ANY CD OR ANY OTHER MEDIUM OF DATA STORAGE FOR PROFIT. PERIOD. I HAVE PUT THEM ON THE NET FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF OTHERS.