"A Train, I can DO that!" ====================================================================== Title : Train 255 Filename : TRAIN255.map Author : Tom Cawley E-mail : tom.cawley@virgin.net Description : Features - 4 carriages (1 double decker!) - Rooms over rooms - under/over/in between carriage air vents - Dining room with bar - Sleeping areas (standard and luxery) - security cameras - all weapons - mirrors - patented "doors with windows in" - blow away walls... The list goes on. 3 months of hard work and serious strain on the BUILD engine (I'm amazed the thing holds together), a great big train has been produced for you kids to play in. Its not just a train either.. Like Watworks, there are multiple routes throughout the train (thank god for air vents) a fair weapons balance, and some very cool visuals. The, er, quote at the top is the first thing I said when I started thinking about this level. This was at the time when I needed an idea.. Thanks to Graham for suggesting it. Well, its time to give Duke a rest now. 5 levels is good enough for me. New PC soon, so, Half Life levels on the way! Additional Credits to : Pete Smith (Level Design ideas and Support), Graham Beard, Malcolm Wright (for his shower model!), John Watkins (for giving NBA more attention than train), Robin Bott (Testing and QA) ====================================================================== *Note on system spec:- Train255 is a very complex level. A pentium with 16mb ram is a must. Frosted mirror slows framerate down dramatically. * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Coop : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Known Bugs : Nothing major - it MAY be possible to see odd behaviour in the mirrors. They really don't like the sector over sectors outside the train. They were a pain to build too. Also some sprite clipping problems - most of these only happen when bunk beds are viewed from outside the train (which is only possible in 3d mode BUILD anyway). * Where to get this MAP file * My website.... http://freespace.virgin.net/stephen.cawley Previous levels [available through website] *Floodzone - Flooded Dm for 2 players *Duke Kes - Re creation of Kes school, stratford, for [preferably] 3-8 player dm. *Watworks - Underground Dm for 2-4 players. Tres cool. *Sky - Duke it out in the skies. Looks amazing - underrated by most.. =========================================================================== Want to know how to build duke levels like train? Think you can improve Train? Email me.