=========================================================================== ADD-ON LEVEL FOR DUKE NUKEM 3-D. To use this or other add-on levels, copy it to your Duke 3-d directory, and at the dos prompt type: C:\duke3d\duke3d.exe -map .map =========================================================================== Title : The Tunnel Date Finished : October '96 Filename : Tunnel.map Author : Bruce Sparhawk E-mail : bsparhawk@mindspring.com Web Page : none (yet) Misc. Author Info : Hey - I'm really mellowing-out. Kicking all this fanny is great therapy. Description : Duke's in a small alien complex on the moon. Need- less to say, the aliens aren't gonna welcome his visit. Notes : From my original idea, this took an altogether dif- ferent direction. I had thought to make a sort of thrill ride, like a roller coaster, through tunnels carved in rock. Connecting individual sectors as the tunnel went up, down & around corners was really hard, but finally I got it, only to learn that the subway programmming that was to be used here needs the track to be all within a single sector. Argh!! So the tunnel was put to other use... check it out! Make use of your pipebombs in the tunnel! When you see a blue light, this ain't K-mart, Toto! My Levels : Bfire.map, Tunnel.map, BlueSky.map, Betrayal.map, Btrayl2.map, Revenge.map, Chupa.map, TheStorm.map, October.map Additional Credits to : 3-d Realms for a great game and thanks to Brett Gmoser, Klaus Breuer and all who wrote documentation for the Build editor. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Whatever Single Player : Yes! Co-op 2-8 Players : Yes but untested DukeMatch 2-8 Players : Yes " " Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from my warped mind Editor(s) used : Build Time to create : Probably a week or so, with lots of time spent reading and re-reading FAQ's, trying to do stuff I hadn't yet attempted. Known Bugs : None =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Please respect the author's time & efforts in attempting to create this map. If you like, study it and tear it apart to see how it was all done, but make you own levels, okay? It's often frustrating, but by now there are some really good FAQ files free to download for your instruction. You MAY distribute this map, provided that you include this text file with no modifications. You may further include it in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this text file intact. ===========================================================================