=========================================================================== Title :VONZ VERSION 1.1 File Name :VONZ map. Author :Dan Walker Email address :maeval@ixpress.com or walker@ixpress.com Misc. Author Info :the map everone is playing Description :This level is well developed and very fun to play in either multi-player or the regular version against the computer. Set in L.A. streets with stores and fun secrets to explore. This level is a true winner. It has fire trucks driving around, a mini mart, a studio, a Vonz store, and bookstore. My level has most of the attributes that Duke Nukem episodes have, making this level extremely exciting and interesting. Additional Credits to: all those dukers who play my level. =========================================================================== * PLAY INFO * Episode and level :E1L1 Single Player :yes Cooperative Play :yes Dukematch :yes Difficulty settings :implemented New Sounds :no New Graphics :no New Music :yes barmusic New Programing :no Demos Replaced :none =========================================================================== * CONSTRUCTION * Base :New level from scratch Editors Used :BUILD.EXE Known Bugs :None so far TRY THIS LEVEL AS A MULTI-PLAYER < Do not distribute this level without map authorizing template < (Vonz.text). Do not alter level without giving credit of builder < or consent there from. BY DAN WALKER INC. 97 =========================================================================== Love to here any comments about this level just E-mail me. thanks for playing Anybody want to challenge me to a dukematch?