====================================================================== * DUKE NUKEM 3D LEVEL CREDITS * * THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. * Title : Alien Transport Filename : WARPSHIP.MAP Author : Alan Stubbings Misc. Level Info : This level really is a labour of love. I've spent weeks on end just shading it! It's also one of the toughest levels I have EVER played, but the rewards are pretty cool when you get to see all the neat little touches. (Check out the Shuttlebay doors and the outside camera views!) Other Levels : Station.map, City1.map Description : Duke leaves the overrun EDF station [Station.map] behind, and clambers into the waiting docking airlock. He finds himself in an alien ship that's carrying a very odd cargo... Hundreds of cocooned humans! Can Duke escape from the ship before it arrives at its destination? Explore all the many decks and sub-decks of the vessel, but be careful. Once you attract the alien's attention, they'll be all out to kill you! Additional Credits to : Dan, for testing my levels until he vomited 3dRealms, for not supporting BUILD in any way shape or form. Kudos! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Duh... DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : None (So you can't wuss out!) Plutonium Pak Required : No way. New Art : Nope New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes (listen to that pistol!) New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Built from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : EDITART (I only used it to look for good textures) Construction Time : Construction: 30 hours -ish. Shading: AGES!!! Known Bugs/Problems : None (I think): It's been tested so many times that just thinking about it makes me ill. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Er, dunno! ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Run the .EXE file to extract these files from Winzip to your Windows\Desktop directory. Go to your Duke3d directory and rename the file User.con to User.bak. You can now move all the files to the Duke3d directory, and play the game! Important Notes : This level is an utter bastard when you first play it. If anyone can complete it without using the devastator or RPG, they are the MAN!! (or chick) ====================================================================== ========================= ¦ A.S : 15/6/98 DNKROZ! ¦ =========================