JJ Duke Nukem 3D An add-on for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition by Jonathon Fowler and Jason Bredhauer Patch for version 1.01a of JJ Duke. This makes the new version is 1.01c. 5 June 1999 This is a maintainence patch for JJ Duke. It fixes the following problem: * In Level 3 of Episode 2, there was a forcefield which was impassable to the player but not to the enemies on the other side. Fixed now (by Jonathon). (Fixed in the 1.01b patch - included in this patch) * In Level 2 of Episode 1, the custom art tiles were screwed up. This happened when Jason put in the multiplayer information for this level - his system dropped the custom art tiles. Fixed now (by Jonathon). * In Level 3 of Episode 1, there was a minor issue. Fixed (by Jonathon) Installing this patch: * Just unzip the ZIP into the folder/directory where you installed version 1.01a of JJ Duke. It will place an updated JJE2L3.MAP, JJE1L2.MAP and JJE1L3.MAP file there and this text file. Thanks for playing and supporting JJ Duke! Jonathon Fowler (jono_f@hotkey.net.au) Jason Bredhauer (jason_bredhauer@usa.net) Visit the JJ Duke web site at http://www.dukeworld.com/jjduke