====================================================================== Title : New World Filename : NEWWORLD.MAP Author : James Ferry E-mail : jlferry@bigfoot.com Web Page : http://www.dukeworld.com/nw3 http://www.dukeworld.com/oglbt http://holly.mainpage.net http://www.dukeworld.com/weaponry (updated this bit, all the old links were dead) Misc. Author Info : Feel free to send me some money for this Other Levels : I will leave this blank for a while, I never released any others of mine, and I don't know of anyone else I know releasing theirs either. Description : This is just part of a T.C. that I am working on. I am making this T.C. aswell as using my own graphics engine to create a game similar to the desired T.C. but with more stuff. I can currently test the desired gameplay to an extent using the T.C. as it is quicker than reprograming my own code. It also lets other people test it with out any bugs and with nice speed so that I know what is good and not so good in it. Unfortunatly some of the things that I can't recreate using the T.C. are simulated inteligence, groups or units of playing characters, customizable weaponry, characters and machinery, and aspects that carry through the game. Advantages that using a T.C. for Duke Nukem 3D over my own program is that the map size is four times the size of my map size, the speed is greater, and the textures are able to be alot larger than the ones that I can use. The map is designed for Duke Match, but it is still enjoyable just to wander around. Use the cheat "dnkroz" if you want to live. Start the game like this for a nice walk around the map "duke3d -map newworld /q8". This will load the game as a simulated eight player Duke Match game. Then use the cheat and wander around. To climb ladders, walk up close to them, look at their center and "use" them. The use command is also known as "hit space", but you might have changed it, either way, the button you use to open doors with. The item that replaces the holoduke is trigger wire. Once you have it, you can start laying it by using your "holoduke" button. It will be exhausted quickly so keep moving as you lay it. You should be able to run as you do this, I do. I you wish to save the wire, just hit the "holoduke" button to stop laying it. You can drop little amounts of it at a time if you wish just by quickly turning it on and off. I have done this once or twice. You can stand in the same place if you wish as you lay it, it will just pile up in the same place. Trigger wire explanation/flavour text: This wire is used as anti-personnel defences, similar to mines, except these are layed on the ground in a line. As soon as the wire is touched, all of the pellets along the wire are triggered. The pellets are constructed of pressure sensitive explosives. These are painted red for safety purposes while in storage. They are fitted with a device so that they will each pellet will not arm until all people are out of the detection area of the wire, as they are supposed to be laid in advance. What trigger wire does in plain terms: As it is being layed, the "pellets" apear as red dots on the ground. You step on them and they explode. On their own they might not be the most powerful weapon, but in a nice long line they make one big explosion. Lay them strategically, across door ways, or better yet near the tops of ladders and around weapons so they act as bait. They will not arm until you move away from them. Unfortunatly, if you are playing multiplayer, the trigger wire will not arm until they are also out of range. The original Rotating Guns, the green things that sit there and shoot the red/orange things at you like the one the aliens shoot, have been changed so that they will only spin occasionally, and have a high rate of fire and shoot the same ammunition as the chaingun. The rate of fire is roughly half that of the changun. They will also last alot longer. I would estimate about 100 times the amount of damage, but I can't be certain. They now have a "strength" value of 4000, and I think that it used to be roughly 40, but I can't be positive. Either way, use the cheat if you are not playing multiplayer, and if you are playing Duke Match then I would recommend trying to avoid them and let someone else worry about them. They can handle quite a fair bit of damage, and at close range to small groups of them, they cause a fair bit of damage. Anti personnel mines have been created, and can be found in the grass areas. I advise using hand bombs and RPG's to find them though. They are camoflauged but can still be recognised by the texture, the concentration of the image on the sprite is not as great as the surrounding grass. The mines use to contain nine times the amount, and the crater was more detailed, and had an indentation in the ground. I was worried about the speed so I cut them out and used simpler ones instead. Some weapon strengths have been reduced, such as the RPG and the chaingun, while the trip bomb has been increased. In the water storage/treatment area, I havn't decided what it will be yet, jump into the water, this is where I used my own editor to achieve this effect. I found it originally by trial an error and then by looking at the way the program stores its data. The water will now let you see out into the area out side of the water, where as before you could only see the opaque surface. I would have used this effect on both sides, but if it were used on both, firing an object across the surface, while not aiming into the water would make it skew off course. I could explain it further, but put simply it is possible to display sector on sector with the build engine although, as I said, the projectiles may vear off course. The way you display sector on sector is performed by haveing the two sectors spill into each other, but at the same time not letting them spill into each other. It could be called a bug, but it is a good one. The transparent water surface in this map is only simple, and it is a one way surface so that it will not effect the gameplay the way it would if it were two way. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User map, ie; level 8 of episode 1 Single Player : Yes, but not intended to be, no ending. DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes, but set up externally. Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : Yes New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes, this was from when I first started the level and I still had cameras in it. They aren't there any more, and neither is the detailed land mine that I stepped on in the demo. That is why it is so short. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editors Used : BUILD by Kenneth Silverman. Build Touch by James Ferry This was used for some of the fancy stuff such as the see through water and some other fine tuning. If it wasn't for this it would have taken much longer to match all of the sectors. I have distributed the latest version of Build Touch as of the time I am typing this, but there is barely any documentation, so you will pretty much have to guess everything if you wish to use it. The documentation that is included is at a minimum. Art Editor(s) Used : Editart, plus some other programs to manipulate images and do the ray tracing. Construction Time : 8 hours for map, 14 with testing 2 hour for CON files with testing 1 to 2 days for graphics work with testing All of these are only estimates as I was working on and off during the Nagano Winter Olympics. Speaking of the Winter Olympics, congratulations Zali. The graphics took a while as they were constructed as three demensional objects then ray traced. Known Bugs/Problems : You need a fast computer too run this. It would have minimum requirments of an intel P100. It can run on slower machines, but at certain angles the frag rate can drop a bit. I would still use it on a 486, but people complain about the frag rate so I would recommend a P133 or something just too make everybody happy. If you don't have a fast machine like the above, like me, run it anyway, but if the frag rate seems a bit slow look away. This usually happens if you look directly across the map, as it is pretty large. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : List the places where you can download this level ====================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Copy all of the files into your Duke Nukem 3d directory. Type "nwsetup" to select the desired difficulty levels and to install all of the required .CON files. If you have others already, back them up or something, unless you are like me, just write over them. "nwstart" is a small startup utility to load the map for single player. You have the option of using fake multiplayer if you wish. It saves you typing "duke3d -map newboard /q8" for a fake eight player game for example. If you are playing multiplayer, make sure you all have the same files on your computers, and then load "newboard.map" as the user map. Important Notes : This is still incomplete, there is only one map that is greatly cut down, the graphics are incomplete, and the CON files are only minimal. If I do complete it, this will all be completed, except for maybe the map as the frag rate was alot lower before I cut down the detail in the map. ======================================================================