====================================================================== Title : New World III TC v1.6 Filename : nw3.exe Author : James Ferry Date : 2nd March, 1999 E-mail : Check the web pages below for current address Web Page : http://members.xoom.com/HCAD Other Levels : NW, NW2, Weaponry TC, some others Description : All versions - This archive is an sfx exe, as it is designed for Duke Nukem 1.3d. This is on the PC, so if you have a Power PC then you need to use the IBMPC Duke Nukem 1.3d version, which requires you to use Soft Windows. If you have softwindows, then you can use the archive. All versions - This TC is for Duke Nukem 1.3d. I can not make a version for 1.4 or 1.5 because I do not have them. Until I go out and buy it, I can not make a version for it. (and I am not likely to buy another version of duke, 1.3d does me fine) (v1.6) I found a bug in one of the maps, the multiplayer positions in outpost 1 were incorrectly set, a problem from when I was modifying the art files. I have also made a better image for the first mission target. (v1.5) One of my friends and I found a bug, so we fixed it. It is best if you delete all of the demo files. Features: Two campaigns, "The New World" and "Infiltration" Multiplayer levels, (one capture the flag and one dukematch) Training level (all episodes start with this) All levels can be played with up to 8 players. Transparent flames Ladders and netting Purchasing/buying Money/credit Flamethrowers Assault rifle with grenade launcher Lascannon Burning actors Civilians Capture the flag Persuading - Like in the Syndicate series form Bullfrog/EA Equipment aquisition missions Personnel aquisition missions Assasination missions Infiltration missions Some surface damaging (only in mid and later stages) The use of "space bar" (or what ever is set to the function "use") to control some items and retrieve others Includes a sample config file, demo, intro and ending animations, original source code ("nw3code.exe") and a patch for "duke3d.exe" ("nw3patch.exe"). This TC is now supported, someone pointed out that this line was still in here. Additional Credits To : Craig, for helping to find the glitch in the TC, the graphics were corrupted, making the player and enemies look weird, and in many cases, removed them. Nigel, for telling me how to create the sfx archives from CAB files. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Important information : Using setup, it is preferable if you disable the following so that you don't activate them by accident night vision medikit jetpack holoduke use inventory You might also want to change the weapon numbers. You can also run the program NW_PATCH.EXE to create an alternate executable. Graphics is still fairly simple and still use the graphics from the original art files. The acquisition image is the small square medikit, green Dukes carry pistols and grey ones carry M16's. The red one is the persuading target, and the others are civilians, except maybe in the first mission. Alot of the messages haven't been changed either. If you plan to use fake multiplayer, delete all of the demos (this archive also contains one). If you do not delete the demos, faked multiplayer will not work. Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : Yes New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes Levels: Training - E1L1, E2L1, E3L1 & unused maps This level is a training level, like in Tomb Raider II. It is simple, it just has a water section and ladders. The water will give you an idea of how long it is possible to stay under water before you start running out of oxygen, and the ladders are there to show you how to climb them, how to jump to to a ladder and grab hold of it, and how to enter a passage beside a ladder. This map is used as the entrance for all missions. Equipment Acquisition - E2L2 Enter the enemy complex and acquire the item inside. Beware, as the structures between the drop zone and you target may be guarded. After you have achieved your objective and have left the complex, we will have a drop ship sent to collect you. Unfortunatly, we have no knowledge of how to enter the building, you will have to find a way in yourself. Outpost - E2L3 Use your credits to buy things. To purchase items, face one of the glowing dollar signs and hit space, and the sign will change to an exclamation mark. If you have enough funds, it will deduct the cost from your money supply, and give you the item. Their are healing areas in the shop where armour can be purchased. Just stand on one of the two beds. One of our explosives divisions are in a small room to the side of the night club, which can be accessed from the street. You will be able to purchase explosives from here. To continue with your mission, walk past the double, garage doors. Personnel Acquisition - E2L4 Your first objective is to acquire the item located in the building to the right of the players starting position. Your second objective is to use this equipment to persuade the scientist (red person) in the complex on the other side of the research sub pens. With this scientist at our disposal, we will be able to make greater advances with our technology. Outpost - E2L5 After the success of your previous missions, one of our settlements was infultrated and damaged. Inspect this damage, resupply and leave for your next mission. Ammendment: We have finished a new high energy weapon. We have distributed these weapons, and they have been left in the store room of the bar. Assasination - E2L6 Due to the previous attack on our settlement, we have decided to assasinate one of their higher ranking officers. Your target is in the taller dark walled building behind the cream ones from the drop zone. Find a way into the building and have him killed. Expect resistence once they realise that we have infultrated one of their cities. We have cut the power to the city. This should hopefully help you. They will not be able to call for reinforcements, and their security will be down. Infiltration I - E3L2 Your next assignment is to destroy one of the central computers for our enemies defence network. With this off line, we will hopefully be able to launch a deep attack. You will be first sent to one of our outposts along our territory's boundry. When you are ready, return to the hotel where you can wait for your transport to arrive. From here on, you will be on your own. Infiltration II - E3L3 We will drop you in one of the parks in the area. Work your way through the city to the train station on the other side of the river. We don't have any information on the locations and number of enemy operatives in the area. Infiltration III - E3L4 You will remain on this train until you reach the city of your target. Use your resources to restock. Since this isn't our territory, you may come across enemy operatives. Infiltration IV - E3L5 Your intended target has been reported to be below ground. The only help that we are able to provide is that it is near the station terminal where you should arrive. You will have to find your own way into the complex. Take their network offline. Ammendment: It has been reported that this base may also carry out R&D. Capture the flag - E2L2 Multiplayer - select a team by passing over one of the coloured arrows on the platform. Each team's flag is ontop of either of the buildings. Multiplayer - E3L2 Multiplayer - Multiplayer level with some translucent (see through) water, ladders and scenery. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Levels from scratch : Most art from original art files. Some adapted from Blood (burning person - the palette had to be changed and brightened). Editor(s) Used : BUILD OpenGL Build Touch MS-DOS Editor Paint Brush Editart Control Construction Time : a few hours here and there over a few weeks =====================================================================