^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Redrum: The Shining II ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A Total Conversion level for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition Created by Bryant Arnett Email: RNet@compuserve.com October 18, 1997 (ver. 1.01) Contents: I. Introduction II. Installation and Usage III. Playing the game IV. Credits V. Technical and design notes VI. Legal stuff ============================================================= I. Introduction This is it! The sequel to the greatest horror movie of all time, and YOU get to play the lead character! REDRUM: The Shining II is a user designed Duke Nukem 3D add-on level that picks up where Stanley Kubrick's The Shining left off. It's time for Duke to infiltrate the Overlook Hotel and "take care" of the Caretaker. New textures, new sounds, new monsters, and a meticulous attention to detail make this a level unlike any you have seen before. A powerful computer is recommended, and the Atomic Edition of Duke3D is REQUIRED. ============================================================= II. Installation and Usage: You must have Duke Nukem 3D version 1.4 or higher. This means that you must have the Atomic Edition, or the original Duke Nukem 3D game (1.3D) with the Plutonium Pak upgrade. Duke Nukem 3D can be obtained from 3D Realms Software (http://www.3DREALMS.com). Redrum: The Shining II was not created nor is it supported by 3D Realms. This package should contain the following files: REDRUM.GRP REDRUM.BAT REDRUM.TXT REDRUM.CON STORY.TXT For DOS installation, simply copy these files into your DUKE3D directory. If you have ART files in your Duke directory (files that end with the .ART extension), you should rename them or move them to another location. The Shining II will not function properly if these files are present. When you start the level, you will be given the option to automatically back them up, but you may want to do it yourself first. To run The Shining II, type REDRUM at the DOS prompt and hit enter. That's all there is to it. For multiplayer, you must start the level in the same way, but select the multiplayer option when prompted, then setup your multiplayer game in the usual way and select REDRUM: The Shining II after Duke begins. I cannot figure out how to make this level work using the Mac version of Duke. You might try renaming the file REDRUM.CON to GAME.CON and drag it and the REDRUM.GRP file together onto the Duke3D application. This is sort of what the Mac readme file says to do, but I couldn't get it to work. If you figure it out, please let me know. ============================================================= III. Playing the Game This is not a normal Duke Nukem level. There is NOT a ton of ammo and health and monsters strewn all about. You must try and survive with a minimum of resources and you will need to really search to find health, weapons or ammo. The object of the game is to find REDRUM. When you do, press it like a switch. Eventually you will gain access to Room 237 and the caretaker's apartment. Room 237 is the only "Guestroom" (rooms with numbers) that can be entered. Other doors may or may not open. * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes (8 player) Co-Op Level : Yes (8 Player) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Build Time : 9 months Editors used : Build 1.4, Editart 1.4, Deluxe Paint II, Photoshop 4.0, TrueSpace 2, LView Pro, Sound Forge 4, Avid AudioVision Known Bugs : There is a serious bug in the lobby restrooms. From inside, when you open the door WATCH OUT! It will crush you to death against the wall. You must stand to the side. If anyone can solve this, please let me know. ================================================================== IV. Credits Level construction, artwork, sound, and CON hacking by me, Bryant Arnett. I also played the part of Jack Torrance. Special thanks to: Ko Maruyama for creating many wonderful textures and the logo. Jeroan van Aichen for the awesome story. Jess "Wakko" Harnell for providing the voice of Jack. Carl Bartoles for modelling the palm tree and providing an endless outpouring of nicotine and good humor to feed my addictions. Scott "Scooter" McClain for technical assistance and the endless use of his computer. Jeroan van Aichen, Brian Huston, Keith Wheeler, and Brian Siano for beta testing. Mark Oates for ideas and inspiration. Jim Brain for digital photographic assistance. Alex M. for showing me how to import LARGE textures. Rooster Duck for discovering the answer to a sound riddle. Jonah Bishop for creating the Map Editing FAQ. The publishers of www.dukeworld.com for an outstanding Duke site. The members of the Alt.Movies.Kubrick newsgroup who gave me encouragment and some enlightening discussion about the movie. My wife for having the patience to stick with me through my insanity. "All work and no play makes Bryant a dull boy." The people at 3D Realms for making Duke and giving us Build. And especially Stanley Kubrick for making the film. ============================================================= V. Technical and Design Notes Work on this level began in February of 1997. When I started working on it, I figured it might take me two or three months. Well, now it is nine months later and I have been to hell and back. In the beginning I formed an idea in my head of what I wanted the level to do and be, but I had no idea what would really be involved in getting it there. I worked on it a couple of hours a night, but also had periods of several weeks at a time where I would not work at all, or some days where I worked for 10-15 hours straight. I really hate to think of how many hours I must have spent, so I refuse to do any such calculation. I really am going to take a serious break when this thing is done. I made an error several months ago by announcing on some Internet newsgroups and forums that I was nearing completion and the release was imminent. Well, I think I may have kept a lot of people waiting for a long time, and for that I sincerely apologize. I think I made the announcement as a means of *forcing* myself to really finish. Many people sent e-mails of encouragement, and this really gave me the incentive to go on and finish, so to those people: Thank you! To everyone else, thanks also to you for waiting so patiently. * * * I have loved Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" since I first saw it when I was 17 years old. It made in indelible impression on me in many ways. From the soaring camera work and technical excellence, to the horrifying and disturbing imagery, and especially for the priceless and inventive dialogue, this film has been on my list of Great Films ever since. When I began work on this project, I assumed the film was all shot at some hotel someplace, so my very first plan was to get a map of the real location. I already knew it wasn't the Timberline Lodge in Mt. Hood, Oregon (the Timberline was used for the exterior establishing shots only and NOT for the interiors, which I discovered when some friends of mine went there and reported back), but I did figure it was some hotel *somewhere*. Despite my interest in the technical end of making movies, somehow I missed the news that the film was done entirely on a sound stage. Wow! That sure says a lot for the lighting and set design! I was astonished at this discovery. It meant that everything would have to be extracted directly from the film. The process of mapping out the Overlook took about a million viewings of the videotape in slow motion as I meticulously sketched every square inch of the hotel as it is seen in the movie. Incredibly, the way it is photographed, you end up seeing many of the areas in their entirety. There are only a very few walls in the Lobby or in the Colorado Lounge that are not visible at some point during the film. This meant that it was possible to do these areas with a very high level of accuracy. There are areas I did not do quite as accurately because I was doing them from memory (there is not a TV and VCR near my computer!). There are a few places in the hotel that I decided not to create, like the boiler room or the SnowKat garage, because they were not terribly important. I added other parts of the hotel which were NOT seen in the film as a means of connecting the various sections together, and to give the hotel a more complete feel. Deciding how to connect some of the major parts was extremely difficult, and the film, I believe, makes a deliberate attempt to confuse and disorient the viewer, so I quickly gave up and connected things the way it seemed best. There were other parts of the hotel that I wanted to add but couldn't because of limitations of the Duke engine. A few months ago I suddenly ran into the brick wall limit of sectors that are allowed, and I was still quite a ways from being done. This meant that I had to remove some stuff in order to just barely finish adding the stuff that *needed* to be there. This hurt a lot because I had a staircase leading to a third floor (near the caretaker's quarters) already built and I had started adding a coffee shop, (the "Lookin' Over Inn") just for fun. I ended up removing lots of details, and one major thing that I unfortunately "saved for last" - namely the Maze, ended up being far less spectacular than I had envisioned. In some ways I sort of gave up on the maze in hopes that someday they will release something to convert Duke 3D levels into Duke Nukem Forever levels, and I can continue this work (please, 3D Realms, please, please, PLEASE!!). The artwork and sounds in this level are a combination of stuff lifted directly from the film, stuff I created myself or with the help of friends, and some images I got from the Timberline Lodge web page (www.teleport.com/~timlodge/). Most of the sounds were taken straight from the film (even the typing and storage locker door sounds), but many of them I also created from scratch. For the graphics, I had the help of Ko Maruyama who is an excellent artist and did all the things that I couldn't do in a million years. You will see some pots and pans hanging in the Overlook's kitchen. These are a photo of some real pots and pans hanging in the huge and cavernous kitchens of the Pasadena Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I snuck into the hotel hoping to steal some good textures, but the cook kicked me out. This was too bad because this kitchen was almost exactly like the Overlook kitchen and I could have got some great stuff. I'll just have to be more careful next time! * * * If you would like to add on or make modifications to this level, please contact me so that we can work together. I am planning to keep upgrading the package (there is plenty of room for more sprites!), so please let me know if you want to be a part of future versions. If you make modifications, please contact me rather than distributing them so that there will be only one "official" version. To extract the MAP and ART files use the following command: KEXTRACT REDRUM.GRP REDRUM.MAP TILES*.ART REDRUM*.CON This will extract the files: REDRUM.MAP TILES000.ART TILES014.ART TILES015.ART REDRUM2.CON REDRUM3.CON so be sure not to overwrite any existing .ART files you may have. Also, as long as these ART files are present in your DUKE directory, the rest of your Duke game will be messed up. The batch file used to launch the level makes extensive use of the CHOICE command. If you don't see a multiple choice menu when you start up REDRUM, then you don't have the CHOICE.COM file in your DOS path. This file is usually found in the WINDOWS\COMMAND directory, or in a DOS directory, but I have seen some computers that don't have it. If you don't have it, you can still run the demos by using the proper command line options: Demo #1 recreates a few choice camera angles from the film. Use the command line: duke3d /xredrum.con /gredrum.grp /m /dredrum1 Demo #2 shows the solution to the level complete with secret areas. If you get stuck, take a look at this demo. Use the command line: duke3d /xredrum.con /gredrum.grp /dredrum2 If you want to play without monsters, use the command line: duke3d /xredrum.con /gredrum.grp /l1 /nm /m If you don't have the CHOICE command, you should rename or back up any ART files you have before using the above command line options. * * * Well, that's all. I hope you enjoy REDRUM: The Shining II. Please send me E-Mail with your comments or suggestions. After all, the only reason I did this is because I am obviously starving for attention. ===================================================================== VI. Legal Stuff This package - REDRUM: The Shining II - was created by Bryant Arnett copyright 1997, All Rights Reserved This package was not made nor is it supported by 3D Realms, the creators of Duke Nukem. Images and sounds from the motion picture "The Shining" are copyright 1980 Stanley Kubrick, Warner Bros. Hawk Films - All Rights Reserved Images from the Timberline Lodge web site (http://www.teleport.com/~timlodge/) are copyright their respective authors and creators - All rights reserved This package (REDRUM.ZIP and all included files) are offered as "freeware". This means that you are free to distribute it an its original unaltered form as long as you do not charge any fee other than to cover reasonable duplication and distribution expenses. In other words, it cannot be duplicated and sold for purposes of profit without express written permission from the author. If you extract any part of this package and claim it to be your own creation, I will hunt you down and torture you without mercy. It has happened to me before, and I won't stand for it again. This package was created as a tribute to Stanley Kubrick's great film "The Shining" and it is being offered as a free work of art to the fans, all over the world, of Kubrick and his movies. =================================================================