\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ -= Saving Private Ryan =- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Edge Designs 1998-1999 Levels: ------- Level 1: Ohmaha Beach Weapons: ------- Thompson Sub machingun M1 Carbine (1 frame completed) Browning Automatic Rifle Bazooka (M9A1 Rocket) Hand Grenades Sniper Rifle Dual Bazookas Flamethrower Minimum Requirments ------------------- Pentium 133mhz CPU 16Mb Ram Duke Nukem Atomic Edition Recommended Requirments ----------------------- Pentium 166Mhz CPU 24Mb Ram Duke Nukem Atomic Edition Multiplayer Requirments ----------------------- Local Tcp/ip: 28800 Connection to internet To play This tc over the internet it is recommened that you goto www.ten.net and get a FREE account and then goto the duke3d shareware room and then open up IC and get some people in there. ten will make it so that you can play ANYONE ANYWHERE with ic without lag!! Level 1: Ohmaha Beach --------------------- The morning of June 6th 1944. The attack was almost canceled because of rain but the president decided to push on with the attack. Your objective is to clean out the nazi machinegun bunkers and clear the area and STAY ALIVE! After you hit the beach head for the tops of the bluff's and take out as many germans as possible. If you find any bugs in the demo please report them to gecko620@juno.com Saving Private Ryan Tc www.dukeworld.com/spr