======================================================================= Title : WOLF2DUKE Release 3 Public BETA for Duke3d 1.4/1.5 Filename : w2d_302.zip Author : THE WOLF2DUKE TEAM Email Address : wolf2duke@hotmail.com Webpage : http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com Misc. Author Info : Pär: Creator of the w2d concept, con programming, art, sounds and levels Rust: Levels Jamie: Levels Chris: Art touch up Other levels : Wolf2Duke release 1 and 2 Description : A two episode and 9 level TC with inspiration from one of the first shoot-em-up games, Wolf3d from ID Software. Info, story, credits and screenshots at: http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com Additional Credits to : Daniel Leonard for telling me how to make the grp-file and how Duke3d make priorities when loading files. Known problems/issues in this Beta : - Some levels doesn't have their own 'wolf-midi-music' - DM and COOP are not tested at all (please test it for me) - Art and enemies may look rougher then original Duke because of lower resoloution in the source gif-images. - Demos and animations are not yet replaced ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1, E1L2, E1L3, E1L4, E2L1, E2L2, E2L3, E2L4, E2L5 Single Player : YES DukeMatch 2-8 Player : YES (Prepared but not tested) Cooperative 2-8 Player : YES (Prepared but not tested) Difficulty Settings : NOT IMPLEMENTED YET Plutonium Pak Required : YES New Art : YES New Music : YES New Sound Effects : YES New .CON Files : YES Demos Replaced : NOT YET Animation replaced : NOT YET * Construction * Base : From scratch (E1L2 has a converted DOOM-level as a base but you'll probably not notice since I have changed allmost everything) Level Editor(s) used : Build 1.4, Art Editor(s) used : Editart 1.4, PaintShopPro, ThumbsPlus Construction time : MANY, MANY hours Known Bugs : NONE, Please tell me... * Where to get this file * WEB site : http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com * Level-information * Level Creator Sigle DM COOP ---------------------------------------------- E1L1: Pär YES NO NO E1L2: Pär YES NO YES E1L3: Pär YES NO NO E1L4: Pär YES YES YES E2L1: Rust YES NO NO E2L2: Rust YES NO YES E2L3: Rust YES NO NO E2L4: Rust YES YES NO E2L5: Jamie YES YES YES * Important Information * Installation :Unzip to your duke-directory. Rename or move your present *.art files from your duke-directory. Run W2D_302.bat from your duke-directory. Important Notes :Updates of this package will follow... This package was not made nor is it supported by 3D Realms, the creators of Duke Nukem. Join the team! We need leveldesigners. Info at: http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com