****************************************************************************** UltraDoom For Doom 1.9 ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Title : Ultra Doom (Later to be renamed) Filename : UD1_10.wad Author : Chris Welch Email Address : Chaotic42@worldnet.att.net Misc. Author Info : 14 year old Junior in Biloxi High School. I love wad building (I know Doom is "dead". I don't care.) Description/story : Yes, that dreaded "S" word... Story. After saving earth twice and Jupiter once (Final Doom), you are aging. Seems the monsters gave up and settled for living in their own little world. Since you are done rescuing the galaxy, you have started to explore ruins and have taken up flying. As you were flying over Earth (now uninhabited), your aircraft has some technical difficulty (stupid cutbacks on funding!). You bail out and end up on a cliff. You walk for a mile or two and come to a crater. You climb down and through the mist, you see a structure. Clouds are forming and you decide to seek shelter in the marble palace. As you explore, you see a horribly familiar face. This appears to be a deserted fortress made by the demons. You walk around the corner, and there is a corpse. It has long since been dead, and gore doesn't scare you at all now. You see a shotgun behing the corpse and you walk to get it. The corpse rises and then you hear a sound. You rush back only to see.... Additional Credits to : No one ============================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes (Who came up with these questions?) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, it doesn't need it though Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, but it's REALLY not designed for it Difficulty Settings : Yes New sounds : Yes (Gunshot sounds) New graphics : Nope (in the full episode there are) New music : Nope Demos replaced : No, I don't want to give away the level * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : DoomCad v 6.1 and Dmaud v 1.1 Known Bugs : Nope. I have Doom 1.9 and a 60 mhz pentium and 24 megs of RAM. I don't know how it will work on other machines * Copyright / Permissions * - Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional level - You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distibute this file in any electronic format as long as you include this file intact and Email me the creator with a review and your thoughts of the game. Dated: 03-Dec-1996