================================================================ Title : The four Faces Filename : 4faces.WAD Author : Erik Plaggenmarsch Email Address : Erik.Plaggenmarsch@nl.cis.philips.com Misc. Author Info : After I graduaded fromt the University I decided to build a really good looking deathmatch/single player wad. I already build around 10 other nice wads, but this one should become the crown on my work. And in my opinion it is! I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as I do. *********************************** Please e-mail me and tell me wether you like or not and why! *********************************** Description : Very large DOOM II wad, with lots of monsters, little ammo/medipacks and great deathmatch capabilities. I designed it to be a lot of fun in single player mode, but kept in mind that it ultimatly should become a deathmatch wad. I created a 'circular' shaped map, with one central point, and the three keys hidden around this point. All keys are needed to reach the exit, but its not necessary to first find a certain key before another one can be found. Just collect all three. No hard puzzles should be solved to find the keys/exit (all doors hiding the keys are automati- cally opened when you get close!), but it is necessary to go around the central point to get them, and that's the hard part ;-) Because all rooms can be reached in many different ways, and have nice ambush spots it's great fun to play deathmatch, although the map is too large for a two-player deathmatch, I guess. A lot of time was spend on choosing the correct texture and aligning them, because I hate it when a level doesn't look good. I think its a tough level, but playable. Tough, not because there are 20 cyberdemons etc. No cyberdemons, no spiderboss! Just a few large bosses and lots of imps, sargeants etc. I created this level myself, but if I want to go around and kill all monsters as fast as possible, it takes me at least 10-15 minutes to reach the exit! Hints : - I added just a few medipacks, to make it harder to survive, but at strategic places a radiation suite can be found, and when starting the level a megasphere is very near by! - All rooms/keys can be entered via different ways. Sometimes the most logical way is not the easiest one! - You can just go around, collect the keys, killing monsters with your shotgun and exit, but a lot of 'hidden' rooms can make your life much easier, and some are even necessary because they contain the ammo you will definitly need! Additional Credits to : The authors of DEU (all versions), ID ================================================================ * Play Information * Map Number : MAP01 Single Player : Yes (big fun!) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (designed for 4 player deathmatch) Difficulty Settings : Yes (only minor, intended to be played at level 3/4) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Size : 187125 Bytes (zipped 67 Kb) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Building-time : 80-100 hours at least! Editor(s) used : Windeu Known Bugs : None, of course. Otherwise I wouldn't release it. If you find one, tell me and I will fix it. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. But only if the credits for building the original level are given to me. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: maybe at the normal doom ftp sites if I (or someone else) takes the time to put it there. BBS numbers: nop Other: send me an e-mail and perhaps I will be kind enough to send it you.