Title : The 5th Door Filename: 5thdoor.wad Author: Mike Howell Email Address: mhowell@dns.genesis.net Description:..... The 5th Door - is the first pwad I've really enjoyed to play, that I have created. I love to make pwads, but this one turned out GOOD ! I did not intend to make this pwad dependant on finding and using the right weapons at the right times, but it turned out to win this level you HAVE to. Its called " The 5th Door" for a reason...With out cheating, see if you can locate "The 5th Door". You may not make it if you dont..... Let me know what you think, for I am a novice pwad maker looking for a moment in the Doom lime light...:) Thanks for trying this wad. Play Info: Doom2 1st level 2-4 coop. player NO Deathmatch ? Difficulty not implemented New sounds no New Music No Construction: Waded from scratch. Known bugs...., None found. Copyright/Permissions: Authors May use this level as a base to build additional Levels, but please list my name in the credits/text file. You may distribute this wad, provided you include this file, with NO MODIFICATIONS. Please feel free to Distribute this file in any electronic format, as long as you include this file intact.