Title : BastetFurrys Deathmatch Maps Filename : bastetdm01.wad Other Works : None Complete Author : Markus Stehr aka BastetFurry Email Address : bastetfurry@ircnet.de Description : Two deathmatch levels First complete release on internet! ;) =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : zDooM with doom2.wad Levels : MAP01 MAP02 Single Player : Just for viewing Cooperative : no Deathmatch : 2 to 8 players, 4 recommed Difficulty Settings : no New Sounds : no New Graphics : no New Music : no =============================================================== * Very Special Thanks To * id software for the game, doomworld staff for enduring me ;), Randy for the best doom port ever, the creator of zDaemon and Cyb for his massmouth description file i have slaughtered for my own description file. =============================================================== * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, what else? Build time : Havent count Fixes : N/A Known Bugs : None that i know of, if you find some send me an email or send me a PM on doomworld board. =============================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the maps in this wad as a base for additional maps or in any other way. You may distrubute this file in any format (CD ROM, BBS, whatever) provided that you include all files included in your distribution (as in, this text file and the wad) and it is not sold or traded for anything. Same goes for wads using resources from it. Where to Get this wad: You should have it right here with this textfile o.O =========================== Questions, comments, complaints, flames, and so on, don't hesitate to mail me: bastetfurry@ircnet.de ===========================