Date Completed : Sept. 29, 1998 Title : Descent 1 Filename : descent1.wad Other Works : Eulogy Series(SP). Author : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson) Email Address : Description : My first DM map, and if I do say so myself, it's come out quite nice. Originally was gonna be a Slaughter DM map, but I got fired(ahem), so now I'm using it for my own evil purposes. For those who might be wondering, Descent is the name of a song by Fear Factory, and my naming it Descent 1 instead of just Descent DOES imply that there will be more out. Additional Credits to : id Software for Doom2, anyone who still plays and DM's with Doom. Hector and TLDoomer for their leet help with beta testing. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Needs a source port which removes the visplane limit. Boom, ZDoom and DosDoom all did this, so those are good(I'm not sure about Legacy). You can play using doom2.exe, but obviously, it'll crash. Testing : Tested for about one hour(give or take)of DMin'. Quite fun. Lots of places great for ambushing, the final count wad about 82-62-55, so bodies were all over the place hehe. Also, the telefrag is just ever so fun. Level # : map01 Single Player : For looking around. Cooperative 2-4 Player : pffft Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yah yah. In fact, I put in 8 starts since ZDoom has that 8-player DM thing goin on. Difficulty Settings : Nah, all SSG and plasma. Real frag-fest goin on here! Yeah baby! New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Nope(unless you count the naked texture of yo mamma! heh) New Music : No point. Use -nomusic for ZDoom to reduce lag by a large amount. Demos Replaced : None, but send me some zDoom or modem play if ya want. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Spank you very much. Editor(s) used : WadED and Warm Build time : Dunno, too many wasted hours. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file) Where to Get this wad: FTP: and