=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : (ZDaemon/Zdoom) Primary purpose : Coop hangout/maybe Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : MAG HQ Filename : maghq.wad Release date : April 2005 Authors : co-created by julz_d & Cybershark with contributions from m0rgZ & Dark Linux Email Address : julz_d@mail.com morleytron@hotmail.com (Cybershark) Other Files By Authors : storaged.wad, zmap01a.wad, jdit.wad by julz_d jditxe.wad by julz_d with m0rgZ adcoop.wad by m0rgZ the Nutty wads by Cybershark & Milian cybercrime2.wad by DarkLinux (go see: http://justdoomit.250free.com/ http://www.milianmusik.de/doom/nutty.html) Misc. Author Info : All former MAG members Description : This is what is believed to be the first HQ ever made for a ZDaemon clan. The idea of just having fun on a map without killing was the initial inspiration. A clan evolved and the HQ was born. It was basically our version of a doom paradise for the clan to hang around and have meetings. Eventually that got out of control and most of the clan wanted to do nothing but hang around at the HQ. This led to the eventual demise of the MAG clan. MAG is still in existence (as of 4/14/05) but has very few members. At the time of this HQ's limited release (December '04) the clan had over 40 members. None of the creators of this wad are still in MAG clan. However, seeing as how we made the wad, we have the rights to it. It is not being presented for serious review (or play), merely as a curiousity. So here it is, the MagnaMarines Official HQ. Enjoy =p Additional Credits To : Anybody in the MAG clan who didn't annoy the authors by constantly asking when the next version of this wad would be out and asking for personal requests all the time as well. Whoever created the palm trees we used. i believe they came from Zombie.wad (by Daniel?) but the e-mail address we used to ask if we could borrow them was out of date. Makers of Zdoom/Zdaemon ID Software =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : S#!tloads Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : Yes (Various Zdoom/Daemon stuff )Other files required : No * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 (Zdoom/Zdaemon) Map # : MAP01 Single Player : PLAYER STARTS Cooperative 2-4 Player : PLAYER STARTS Deathmatch 2-4 Player : PLAYER STARTS Other game styles : TEAM DM PROTECT THE FORTRESS KING/QUEEN OF THE TRASHCAN HIDE AND SEEK/KILL VIRTUAL CHATROOM CHILL WITH DOOM GIRLS IN THE HOT TUB TARGET PRACTICE TRASH MIKE12'S ROOM LAVA RACING FIND THE SECRETS Difficulty Settings : NO * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : A very long time Editor(s) used : Doom Builder WadAuthor XWE Wintex Paint Shop Pro 7/8 Corel Photo Paint 8 Notepad Known Bugs : Somehow it's possible to spawn cyberdemons inside the guard towers (rarely). As this was an ongoing project, there was lots of stuff that would have been added and improved but here it is - warts and all. May Not Run With... : Any ports other than Zdaemon/Zdoom Some Playing Tips : It's best to play this wad in COOP mode with monsters and jumping enabled. You pick whether you want teamdamage on or off. It just depends on what you are doing. Also, there are LOTS of secret areas that you may not see at first glance. There may be places you never knew existed. Run around and try to find everything, shoot the TV. Can you find your way into the laundry room, LLHQ or the Space Port? The interactive stereo is currently only usable in off-line play. Seeing as how you may become bored here, try using some of the above game styles or even create your own! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have (where humanly possible) been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors just remember, kids - Raider sez no to porn!