=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Deathmatch Update to : a older version you maybe seen in some demo ST server... Advanced engine needed : Zdoom, Gzdoom, Skulltag, Zdaemon (not tested for this last one) Primary purpose : Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : I'm not able to do deathmatch maps but i still made it Filename : ZNOT_ABL.WAD Release date : Author : Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri Email Address : ataruelamu@libero.it Other Files By Author : Try of a level of DooM "anime music" and "a real rude one" Demons just wanna have fun Morbid Scream Wolfeshit Saga T_T Requiem for Modplug.com We are 183! Misc. Author Info : A italian dude 23 years old which playing at this amazing game to the age of 10 (really!), my other favourite games is Max Payne, N4SU2 (Need for Speed Underground 2), Half Life, Hentai and Bishoujo games (my favouite is the "Viper" series!) and retrogaming. My other Interest is draw (a little bit), read italian and japanese comics, watch japanese anime, and the japanese culture in general... a perfect emo[tional] life!ROFL Description : You want to see great details, interessing maps, beatiful textures, impressive archittetonic works, fabolous music you wrong map, white trash. If you just want to blast all you're fucking opponents inside cramped rooms can sometimes you bellieve that was done whit DEU 5.21 in 1995, you're welcome! This is the last arena of lazy deathmatchers done from the most laziest around there, Daimon! At bottom of this textfile i'll insert the description of each level... Additional Credits to : ID, for the fancy game! Megaman for sky Authors of dethmetl.wad for the midi i'll used for map02 Wolfenshit FLCL My Family =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 7 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : MAPINFO Demos : No Other : No Other files required : No * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01/MAP07 Single Player : Just for touring into arenas... Cooperative 2-4 Player : no Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Other game styles : no Difficulty Settings : no * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 2 months Editor(s) used : wintex 4.3 and XWE for graphic and music works Doombuilder for maps Paint for editing the titlepic... Known Bugs : In map04 there's a HOM big like a a house and MAP03 sucks but oh well May Not Run With... : Anything will not the ports i wrote at beggining... * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY not use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with NO modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: FTP sites: =========================================================================== * Levels description * MAP01: Panic Room Music: Hangar 18 by Megadeth The begin of your quest. You're inside a some sort of UAC storage area, our bettere you're in one crap room whit one crate. Arena is fairly large and the battles is pretty intense... MAP02: 1024 castle Music: Massacre Grindcore DM in the Hall of horrors! Ah, 1024 sets in DM maps! Level is pretty inspired from 23castle.wad, a 1994 wad can will remember probally only me and Grazza... This one is a little arena equiped whit BFG 9000 Frag-Partay, time to smash! MAP03: Miyagi-san Music: Ride on shooting star by The Pillows (this is j-rock, dude!) Play at your own risk. I told you can in the bridge area there's a illusio-pit... Ah, you know who is the "Miyagi-san" of the title, isn't? MAP04: Canyon F**ker Music: PASSPORT.MID, fantastic bgm... After a such beatiful level, another fantastic map... This one grabs from 94's maps attitude a lot... mostly they're crapness ^_^ Anyway, this time you're inside a canyon uac base whit some parts you can go trought all arena... sorry for the blasphemy, but this map remember me somenthing from greenwar, don't think? MAP05: "Containment Area" di sto cazzo Music: E2M2 music Woo-Hoo, a parody of the good old E2M2! Levels takes the rooms of this famous level, play it and see it. The translation of this title is somenthing like "Containment Area my balls!". If you ask me "Ehi, why don't call this level in english?" i will respond "non lo so, non rompetemi le balle. STUDY ITALIAN!". Enough. MAP06: Future City Music: Crystalis - Future City BGM Welcome in the city of future, where cars flying, cyborgs lives whit humans, giant robot fight for the hummankind, Rei Ayanami clones goes everywhere and where Daimon is the lord of the world... In this amazing place you fight against your pals whit some people just come for see you fight rigth from Alpha Centauri... You don't want to ambush your public, isn't? So LET'S FIGHT AND KILL'EM ALL! MAP07: Wolfenshit Revolutions Music: aryx (demo music from modplug tracker), anyway the music i used for wolfenshit act 2... Heil! Welcome back to Wolfenshit! This time you don't fight adolf, nazi our mutant dogs, but the people in the net, ready only to kill you! This is the last map of all this crazy mapsets! Enjoy! Other stuff: Ending Music: Somebody kill Daisy 0MG (music from the end of third episode of Doom) Ending Graphics: Regular Ending Graphic, but this time Gray-scaled (Always from first Doom, E4 end level screen) Title Music: I don't remember Title Graphics: A delirant riedition of famous game...