============================================================================== Archive Maintainer : - Update to : - Advanced engine needed : None. Primary purpose : Single Player / Cooperative / Deathmatch ============================================================================== Title : Masacre 2 File : masacre2.wad Author : Cabro E-mail : ccabro@terra.es Web Page : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Metro/3970 Additional Credits to : My previous map "Masacre"; this is the continuation. History : After you've managed to exit from the factory where you worked, and where you've been trapped during the demons' invasion, you must go through the docks and warehouses until you reach the abandoned electrical facilities. From there, maybe you can escape far from this hell. But before that you must find the three access codes in order to open the exit doors of the complex. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Game (Doom / Doom2...) : DooM2 Episode / Level : MAP01 Singleplayer : Yes Cooperative : Yes Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Yes Demos replaced : None Dehacked patches : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch, continuation of "Masacre". Editor(s) used : DCK 3.61, Wadauthor 1.3 and Wintex 4.0 Build time : 12:00 hours Known bugs : None. ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file(s) in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. - Original text (in spanish) ============================================================================== Titulo : Masacre 2. Archivo : Masacre2.wad Autor : Cabro. Email : ccabro@terra.es Web : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Metro/3970 Creditos adicionales : A mi mapa Masacre, al que continúa. ============================================================================== * Información * Juego (Doom / Doom2) : Doom2 Episodio y nivel # : Map01 Un jugador : Si Cooperativo 2-4 : Si Deathmatch 2-4 : Si Niveles de dificultad : No Sonidos nuevos : No Graficos nuevos : No Musica nueva : Si Patche Dehacked : No Demos nuevas : No * Construcción * Base : Nivel que continua al mapa Masacre, hecho por mí. Editor utilizado : DCK 3.61, wadauthor 1.3 y Wintex 4.0 tiempo de construcción : 12:00 Horas. Bugs : Ninguno que yo sepa. * Historia * - Tras conseguir salir de la fabrica en la que trabajabas y habias quedado atrapado durante la invasión de los diablos a la tierra, has de abrirte paso a traves del muelle de carga y las zonas de abastecimiento y almacenaje para finalmente llegar a unas antiguas (y ac- tualmente en desuso) instalaciones electri- cas. Una vez alli quizás tengas una oportu- nidad de escapar de este infierno. Pero antes tendrás que encontrar los tres códigos de ac- ceso que te permitirán abrir las grandes puertas de acceso al complejo por las que tendrás que salir. *********************************************************************** (c) Cabro ======================================================================= Uploaded by Eye del Cul (sovietskayarodina@gmail.com)