Uploaded by : Graham Burgess (gkburgess-at_compuserve_dot-com) ========================================================================== Title : Nemisis experiment Filename : NEMISIS.ZIP Author : Harlequin (aka Justin Fisher) Email Address : misc3471@csc.canterbury.ac.nz Description : Incomplete version of the origional design of the Nemisis conversion for Doom2. Mainly an exercise in what the Doom engine can be made to do, eg things like catwalks, angled supports, archways, Escher-style architecture... The levels are mostly barren - just architecture, most of the scenery and monsters etc have not been added. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map# : Map 01 and Map 02 of DOOM2 Single Player : Yep Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yep Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Only on Map02 Difficulty Settings : Partially implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yep New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Secrets : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Wintex, Doomcad, WinDEU, various others, it matters not. Known Bugs : LOTS. The wad is incomplete... There are also several unused wad entries. * Use * You may not modify this wad or extract any lumps (levels, graphics, etc) from it to incorperate in another wad - extract ideas and inspiration instead. If you like the new graphics, most can be obtained for your use by buying Tricks of the Doom Guru's 2nd Edition - this book comes with a cover-CD containing hundreds of new graphics for use in Doom. * Misc info * I made this wad primarily to show how much untouched potential is left in the DOOM engine, as I often hear people giving up on WADs because they think there is nothing left to do that hasn't been done a hundred times already... If Nemisis looks like it has been done a hundred times already, then they are probably right, but hopefully it doesn't :) While a lot of the stuff in the WAD _might_ seem to be technical tricks or the product of a lot of experience, the real trick is imagination. Sorry about the lift in the first level - I havn't fixed the inappropriate height and it takes a minute or so to reach the top... :) Also, while the install.bat adds the necessary flats to the WAD, there are also some sprites in the wad (new chaingun and demon sprites), to include these in the game, once Nemisis has been installed, type deusf -restor Nemisis.wad deusf -append Nemisis.wad (The last one will take a while. BTW this will result in the wad becoming over 5 megs in size...) The replacement Demon sprites are not correctly positioned, so they will be either waist deep in the ground or floating above it, this looks really strange - it interferes with your depth perception of them. As I've repeatedly hammered in, the wad is not finished :) To get the wad back to normal, type deusf -restor Nemisis.wad install