NLDOOM22.txt AUTHOR: Nelson Laviolette MAIL: EDITORS: DEU RENEGADE for DOOM1 to DOOM2 transfer & maps ADE2 & DCK20 DEEP6_13 (THE BEST of all,stable & fast) LEVEL: DOOM2 level 02 Made primarily for single player Multi-player incorporated TO LOAD FROM DOOM2 DIR. TYPE: doom2 -file nldoom2x.wad (x is wad level) FEATURES These wads have the following 1.Great attention to graphics,lighting, textures, realism & theme 2.All textures are matched and stitched 3.No dead ends or impossible situations 4.KEYS are not hidden & secret rooms are indicated by subtle texture changes or object placement. 5.The levels are not cluttered with useless objects. 6.There are "death areas" but these are optional in play 7.Play gets progressively harder 8.There is sufficient ammo & weapons & health to complete wads without cheats. CHEAT CODES FOR THOSE WHO FEEL THE URGE IDFA (instead of IDKFA) you get ammo & health without keys. That way you can still follow the natural course of the level-best way IDCLIP -walk through walls IDDT-once for full map -twice for location of bad guys IDDQD-god mode For others -mail me LEVEL DESCRIPTION second level called ISLAND_HOP (obvious) This level has some great traps. Remember that teleporter landings are a key of which building to enter next. There are enough suits near islands to protect you There are goggles hidden prior to the dark room The last room is tough-look for switches behind the crates and then a way to move the crates