------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : The Fiery Descent v1.0 Author : J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout) Original Release : December 5th, 1999 E-Mail : golbez@ptd.net sailorscout@planetfortress.com Web : http://home.ptd.net/~golbez http://sailorscout.cjb.net Included Files : FIREDSC .WAD FIREDSC .TXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description : While I enjoy making my various water-themed maps for Heretic, I thought a change of pace would be in order. So I created this map, set inside a great volcano. I'll be the first to admit that it's not very long, but that is the idea.. I made every attempt to make the inside of the volcano as realistic as possible. Thus, there are many places where the ground is unstable, and plenty of nasty lava pits to fall into. Most have ways out however, but it's not a good idea to go in them! Oh, and in case you were wondering, the background music is from the Aitos region of the SNES classic Actraiser. Revision History : v1.0 - First release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLAY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game/Map # : Heretic, E2M1 Demos Replaced : N/A Supported Modes : Single, Cooperative (4 Starts), & DM (8 Starts) Difficulty Settings : Full implementation Base : A UAC facility on Phobos. Oh, I mean, all new level from scratch! Build Time : A little less than a week. Editor(s) used : DETH v4.42 BSP 3.0 NWT v1.3 RMB v2.1 Level Statistics : THINGS - 329 VERTICES - 986 LINEDEFS - 1185 SIDEDEFS - 1760 SECTORS - 207 Known Bugs : If there were any bugs that I knew of and I still released this, I would go to hell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL BITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors are NOT permitted to use this compilation as a base for their own. You MAY distribute this compilation, provided it is the original ZIP file. id Software provides no support for any user add-ons, including this one. All mentioned trademarks are the property of their respective companies. This map copyright (C) J.C. Bengtson