================================================================ Title : The Stagnamonium Filename : Stagnamonium.bsp Author : Brian McClelland Beta-Tester : Rich Whitehouse (thefatal1@quake2.com) Adam Smith (Katarn@netlinkcom.com) Phil Luhn (Luhny1@aol.com) Email Address : AceComb@Mindspring.net (I'm having a little..trouble..with my ISP, so if you really want a reply and aren't getting one, hit me at AceComb2@aol.com) Description : This is the third real level attempt I've made. No, no, don't expect what I know you're expecting. Before I ever attempt to make my FIRST REAL level with anything, I've made about a billion little maps that I just delete eventually. Besides, I'd never upload....crap. Anyway, it's a mossy-stoned fortress/temple sort of place. The green and brown might hurt your eyes after too long, but hey, THIS IS QUAKE. Ohyeah, and it's BSP'd for transparent water. Additional Credits to : Id Software, for turning out such a solid and useful piece of software Ben Morris, for Worldcraft ================================================================ * Play Information Level Name : The Stagnamonium Single Player : Yeah, I guess Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope Deathmatch 1-16 Player : Yes, 16 at least. Don't remember how many starts I have, but it's enough to keep telefrags down at 16 players. That's sort of rediculous though for a medium-sized level. * Construction Build Time : This is the part that always sticks me. I made it in about a month total, working sort of hard, but I got sick of it and went to another for a long while, but just yesterday I decided to finish it and saw that it only had one day's worth of work left. Stupid me. :) Editor(s) used : Worldcraft v1.5 shareware Known Bugs : I fixed all of the known bugs, so anything you find is new to me Build Time for QBsp: (all times in seconds) QBsp : 312 Light -extra : 559 Vis -level 4 : 700 something (using a Pentium 233mmx/64) * Info * This is big, so if you're getting memory errors, start quake with a -winmem 28 or something higher. Remember, it has to be 4 megs below your ACTUAL memory amount or else it won't work. Also, if you're running a slow pentium, the framerate in some areas might not be too great. Anyway, you can download my FIRST real level attempt somewhere on cdrom.com under the filename "AcesBase" in the DM level directories. This is not a product of Id Software, so don't ask them for help if it does something evil to your system.