January 31, 1998 Title: "Zerstorer meets DM6" Filename: zervsdm6.bsp, 862k Author: Darren Korman, aka PHATS Email: darrenk@prairie.lakes.com Description: A deathmatch map inspired from dm6 and the zerstorer pc. Credits: *Id Software *Ben Morris for Worldcraft ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes ====================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5 Known Bugs : Map is fairly bot-unfreindly, sorry Build Time : 4 weeks Texture Wad used : Zerstörer.wad and q.wad ====================================================================== I've decided to release this pretty much un-polished. I'm sick of it. I guess I'm just depressed about the fact that I have a P100. Thank god that's changing in the near future. I would like to appologize for the 'crappyness' of this level. I've lost all interest in firing up worldcraft to allign the textures and such. :( On a brighter note: shout outs to the following!!! MPQ: RAMSHAKLE: (www.planetquake.com/mpq) (www.planetquake.com/ramshackle) kick ass dm map site done along with MPQ as the source to by TASKMASTER. best stuff DM goodies of all kinds. :) on the net! DAPAK: THUNDERWALKER CTF: (www.planetquake.com/dapak) (www.thunderwalker.net) best dm PAK ever! can't wait they're from my school, for the Q2 version! how can I not love them? SPQ and SPQ2: PLANETQUAKE: (www.planetquake.com/spq2) for hosting my favorite sites best place to find kick ass maps to look at for ideas. Zerstörer DUH!?!?!?! ====================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Even though these requests won't be followed, I must state them. This BSP may be distributed freely over the Internet and/or BBS systems as long as this zervsdm6.txt is included.