The Standard Teleporter - from The QuakeLab The QuakeLab - TEXTURES: *teleport for center fill & ecop1_1 for surrounding frame ENTITIES: info_teleport_destination & trigger_teleport WHAT TO DO: Make a beam. Copy it. Position the copy directly above the original to the desired teleporter height so that the player can pass through it. Copy the beam again. Rotate it so that it is vertical and posi- tion it between the top and bottom beams. Copy the vertical beam and position the copy on the other side. You now have the frame. Copy the top or bottom beam and make it thinner and taller so that it fits inside the frame. Texture this brush with *teleport on all sides. Copy this brush and leave the copy exactly where the original one is. This copied 'core' should be turned into a trigger_teleport entity. Make a brush and designate it as info_teleport_destination. Place it where you want the player to end up. Give the trigger a target and the destination a targetname. OPTIONS: SILENT on trigger to eliminate teleport sound effect. PLAYER_ONLY on trigger prevents monsters from using teleporter. ANGLE on destination makes player face in that direction upon exit.