********************* Quake Level ***************************** Author: Étienne (Blood Man) Bégin Filename: shoot.zip E-mail: lbegin@iq.ca Build time: A week or two... Type of Mod: ------------- QuakeC: no MDL: no Sound: no Map: yes!!! Skill level: yes! Start map: yes! Known bugs: no, I spend half of my buid time to kill all bugs! Demo: yes!!! demo1, demo2, demo3: Normal, Hard, Nightmare. Infos: ------- This is my first map and it would be probably the last. I did by best to do it nice, but it isn't a big level. Please don't e-mail me for flames. Just report me any bug you see. Infos about Author: I am 16 years old and my friend always say that I am very good with computer (probably it is true!). I live in Montréal, Canada. Installation instruction: -------------------------- Unzip this file with WinZip into your Quake directory. It will create automatically the directory for this level. If you use pkzip, unzip it in your Quake directory with the -d parameter. To play, go to the quake\shoot directory and run shoot (or winshoot if you use winquake.exe). Or go into the Quake directory and type: quake -game shoot When you start the game, you can enjoy my three demos. If you have an autoexec.cfg file that start an another demo, you won't see my fantastics demos!!! To play, just select New Game under Single. Legal stuff: ------------- This file is free!!! You can send it to everybody you want, but your not allowed to make money with it. Your allowed to include this level on any free CD and diskette. If you want to modify it and make it bigger, let's go!