_____________________________________ Quake II CrackWhore - Steed's Contest ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ models : psteed@idsoftware.com pics : aniichel@hotmail.com sound : Dan & Cari Elkins, Randy Perry, Gudlyf and especially Mike Weatherton extra : eavy@earthling.net Well the day your mother has been dreading has arrived. I've done three versions of my little crackwhore for your fragging pleasure. The skins were done in a rush so be easy on the criticism. After all I ain't no Adrianator :] The Contest Winner: Her name is Anna Niichel and she happens to work at another game company believe it or not. I chose her as the one because her pics embodied the spirit of the model I built based on homage to the Crack Whore Clan 'lo so many moons ago. Check out her pics then send her mail at "aniichel@hotmail.com" to make her feel special (whoohoo!) Thanks again for everyone who got involved with the Contest and for those of you understand it was done in chest...er jest and in no way is it a slight on chicks...er women. I want to thank Dan and Cari Elkins, Randy Perry, Gudlyf and especially Mike Weatherton for some cool CW sounds. EAVY was kind enough to fix our wench so she can be played with...er played correctly and in CTF. ps @ http://www.idsoftware.com/psteed