Dilbert Skin for Quake2-- brought to you by §hambler Do not use this again withot my permission. Don't use it on a cd or any commerical product without royalties, and my permission... blah blah blah blah Looks pretty good, and I wouldn't use this as an example to see if you were staying in the lines or anything, I used PSP so it looks pretty gross from a .pcx reader, but when you play it it looks really good! Ah yes, Dilbert is by Scott Adams(in case this actually makes it to commercial stage... i doubt it but hey, its for the lawyers.) Extract all this junk (Dilbert.pcx Dilbert_i.pcx and Dilbert.txt) this in your quake2\baseq2\players\male\ directory. §hambler shambler_dude@mailexcite.com