******************************* *Men in Black Skin for Quake 2* ******************************* By: Ben Childers Made: Christmas Eve, 1997 I was playing Quake2 when it hit me, men vs. aliens(<-theme of Quake2) = M.I.B.(<-also features men vs. aliens) So I whipped up this little doo-dah in about 3 hours. If you like this skin, drop me a little note, would ya? Thanks To: Id Software, my 10 cats (for dancing on my keyborad, and chasing my mouse cursor), Bork the Idestructible, 12 South American Whooping Llamas, and all you Quakers out there. ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___ | | / || | || \| || | | |/ || | || || | | | / |___||_|\_||___| | \ kuno@otherside.com |___|\__\ http://www-members.otherside.com/kuno/home.html "Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed." -Soun Tendo