================================================================ Title : FallHaven: The Isolated Depths Date : 05/30/98 Filename : FalHavn1.bsp Author : Lance S. Winkel - "ProphetMinstrel" Email Address : minstrel@lance.innerlinx.com Home Page : http://lance.innerlinx.com/ Description : Inspiration for FallHaven came from a science fiction role-playing chronicle which I ran for a few of my friends. The background story is as follows: Nestled three miles into the derelict bowels of the hive-world Demeter, FallHaven is the underworld fortress of the gangster Jonah Raymonde. Standing amidst the darkness of the underwastes, Raymonde's haven is the remains of the Blake-Boneventura archology. Rumors have it that Jonah bankrolled the terrorist nuke which caused the closing of the structure. Shortly after its closure, the wealthy underworld kingpin purchased the remains of the structure for an exceptionally low price, and has been converting it into his private fortress ever since. In an equally controversial endeavor, Raymonde then used nuclear sequencer charges to blast away the wasted remnants of the archologies beneath it. He then readjusted the structural anti-gravity units and relocated the entire archology into the deep cavity beneath. What now stands, is the infrastructural nightmare of derelict passageways and red-light districts known throughout Demeter as FallHaven. However, all is not calm in FallHaven. In order to pacify his private kingdom, Jonah sealed off the majority of the old Blake- Boneventura and hired a sizable army of mercenaries and thugs to maintain what semblance of order can be expected within its crime ridden halls. Deep below this, the outcast gangs and nightmarish denizens of the hive's undercity, caged in by Raymonde's barricades, wage private little wars for control of that chaos which remains. Additional Credits to : "Muzzy", "JohnnyBlueJeans", "Dimwit", "Lachoneus", "Badlogin", and all the players who contributed to the level's playtesting at Frag-Fest 2.0. Thanks also go to all the players who contributed time and creative input in helping me to develop the story behind the level. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around only. Deathmatch : Yes, 4-24 players recommended. Cooperative : NO! Difficulty Settings : None * Construction * Base : New level, all architecture created from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.40 - 2.50 from Lithium Software Known Bugs : None. Build Time : Final build, three hours Textures used : Textures from Quake2's pak0 and pak1, as well as from Q2-CTF pak0 Compile machine : Intel P200MMX w/ 96MB RAM QBSP Time : 120 sec QVIS Time (level 4) : 8000+ sec QRAD Time (extra) : 1800 sec Brushes : There are alot of them Entities : Enough to populate the level Models : ... * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1998 Lance S. Winkel. All rights reserved. This level may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This level may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit consent of Lance S. Winkel. This level may not be used on a commercial Multi-player server without similar explicit consent.