27th september 1998 ================================================================ Title : SPoG's first sort of groovy CTF map Filename : SPoGCTF1.bsp Author : SmallPileofGibs (aka SPoG) Email Address : spog@quakeclan.net Homepage : none yet Description : Just another little map I made in my spare time, which happens to be pretty fun to play and nice to look at. Additional Credits to : id Software, Zoid for making CTF, Bill"This is where i pitch my tent"ox for compiling help, Tasan for 'input' (moaning at me to change stuff). Info about the Author : Q2 addict, perfectionist, not bad at maps Other Levels by Author : SPoGDM1 - 64 player Deathmatch ================================================================ Installation : Unzip the whole archive to your Quake2 directory, restoring folder names, or you won't get the textures * Play Information * Single Player : its a CTF map Cooperative : bungee jump from the bridge! Deathmatch : symmetrical team DM could be fun... Capture The Flag : Zoids id CTF compatible * Construction * Base : From scratch, layout inspiration from zoid's ctf maps, and architecture in bases from Headshot's 'D-Lite' Editor(s) used : QERadiant build 077 Other Prog(s) used : Photoshop to adapt some new CTF textures Known Bugs : Parsnips (eeww) Build Time : About 2-3 weeks Texture Wad(s) used : e1u1, e1u3, e2u1, e2u3, e3u1, ctf, spog Build Machine : P200MMX, 32MB Compile machine : Billox's AMDK6-2-333 Qbsp time : <1 hour Light time : <1 hour VIS Time : <1 hour Brushes : 2500 plus (all hand-crafted) Entities : CTF banners and Flags * Other Info * The bridge is the centerpiece, inspired by some architecture i once saw, i made it ages ago, then built a map to put it in. The layout is a bit like the TF 2fort maps, and has inspirations from all five id CTF maps. Can someone please offer to pay me to make these things? * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, unless they're better than the original. This BSP may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You may NOT distribute this BSP commercially without my express permission. If you do I will come round to your house and decapitate your pets (or ask for some money).