================================================================ Title : Toxin Refinery Filename : toxicctf.bsp Author : Mark Major (aka Shmitz) Email Address : mmajor@dibbs.net Description : A toxin refinery complex CTF2 Additional Credits to : id ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Toxin Refinery Single Player : Just for looking around. Cooperative : Nope. Deathmatch : Not really Capture the Flag: : Yuppers. Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : New level. Build Time : A couple days Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.34 Known Bugs : none * Level info * This winding complex offers several ways to get between flags, along with a traditional watery passage. You're gonna have to grapple to get some of the goodies, and don't mind getting your feet wet if you want the megahealth. I could describe it in more detail, but running around looking at the map will do a much better job than words, so go have a blast. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this map so long as you include this text file. Thanks to large, overpowerful, uncaring, overly-politic legal departments of gaming companies that shall remain nameless, you cannot distribute this by any means except via the internet.