-= Quake Wizard - Documentation =- -= Contents =- [1] Introduction [2] Features [3] Installation [4] Basic use [5] Quick-Configurations [6] InGame Commands [7] Adding Tools [8] Adding and creating Game-Types [9] Q-Tips [10] Where to get [11] History [12] The Future [13] Misc [14] Legal Stuff [1] -= Introduction =- Hiho out there ! Thx for downloading this QLauncher, after first use you will never want to start Quake from command-line anymore. Your first question will be "Why the hell another one of those stupid QLaunchers ?!" Answer: " Try to start quake with different patches, remembering all the available options and multiplayer options, changing config-files, demo recordings, ... and you will soon get totally confused. And this generally happens during a session when you don't need it to happen. So here you go and get the quick and easy solution for all your problems: QWizard Here are some arguments for the use of QWizard: [2] -= Features =- * easy skill selection * easy map selection for built-in maps (e.g. Mission Packs, CTF,...) and user-created (map descriptions will be displayed for user maps) * game-type selection (normal, mission packs, CTF, Head-Hunter...) * easy browsing through installed patches and reading enclosed docs * demo-recording/playback * ability to configure the selected executable (OpenGLQuake, Rendition, etc.) * server support (listen/dedicated) * server configuration * server rules * extended server configuration support for: + Quake Standard + Quake - Scource of Armagon + Quake - Dissolution of Eternity + Threewave Capture the Flag + Capture the Flag Bots + TeamFortress + Head Hunters * Quick-Configurations that act exactly like Windows color-schemes * additional/global commands * no use of difficult and confusing plug-ins ;) * ability to insert easily every tool you like in the tools menu (e.g. QSpy) * clearly designed, so you always know what you are doing [3] -= Installation =- The installation of QWizard is a simple task. Just Copy all files in the archive in a directory of your choice e.g. "C:\QUAKE\Util\QWizard". After the first start you will be asked a few things: a) if you want to create a shortcut for QWizard on your desktop or your start-menu b) the Quake path. This is the path were your QUAKE.EXE (or VQUAKE.EXE, GlQuake.EXE, etc.) is located. Later on you can also specify the directory where patches are installed in e.g. "C:\QUAKE\PATCHES". This means you have subdirectories called "C:\QUAKE\PATCHES\CTF" and "C:\QUAKE\PATCHES\REAPER". By default this patch path is the same as your quake path. [4] -= Basic use =- The main help is provided by tool-tips. Just let the mouse-cursor rest a few moments on an edit- or a checkbox and read the text that appears. You should also have some basic knowledge of starting a game of Quake. This launcher provides a lot of features, but its simple structure will always keep you up to date. All the options are easy to use and changing them can be done quick and efficient through the Quick-Configurations. [5] -= Quick-Configurations =- A nice and easy feature of QWizard. You probably know the color-schemes in the Win95 display-properties under "Appearance" ? Quick-Configurations work exactly like them. If you need a special configuration often, you can create a Quick-Configuration that saves all your settings under a special name for quick access. For example a Quick-Configuration for a Mission Pack, Head Hunters, CTF or something else you can think of. In a [6] -= InGame Commands =- Quake Wizard does not only enhance the launching of Quake but also enhances Quake by adding InGame Commands which can be executed at the Quake Command line (press the ~-key in the game to bring it down). In this version the following commands are supported: listmaps - it shows all the availible patches that are located in your id1\maps folder or which were supplied with the patch you selected. This command shows the maps including their descriptions. It should help you while checking out maps or if you forgot the map name and can only remember the map description. (This commands is also useful on a dedicated server) sv_info - shows the settings that you selected for your server (fraglimit, timelimit, gametype) [7] -= Adding Tools =- QWizard offers you a fully configurable tool menu in which you can add any Program or Executable you can think of (e.g. QSpy or GibStats). To Add a Tool Just select ADD and browse through your directories and select the File you want. Type a name and click Ok. After that you will find your Tool in the "Tools" menu of QWizard and you can launch it by clicking the menu item. To add a horizontal separator to your tool menu e.g. if you want to sort your tools by category (level-editors, stats, etc.) add a new tool and specify a "-" as it's name. [8] -= Adding and creating Game-Types =- This version of QWizard does not support the addition of game types. (see chapter "The Future") [9] -= Q-Tips =- - to avoid confusion with your config-files (why doesn't my key act as "jump" anymore ?) do the following: Create a file in the ID1-directory (e.g. "MYKEYS.CFG") containing your complete keyboard-bindings and other player-specific commands such as preferred video-mode, viewsize, player-name, gamma-correction etc. Then add the command "exec mykeys.cfg" to the "General commands". Now you can be sure, that you have ALWAYS your correct keyboard-layout and other settings you want. This is also a good solution when more than one person frequently plays on your computer. Just create one config-file for each player and exchange the global commands that says "exec mykeys.cfg". ...more tips will follow if I can find some ;) [10] -= Where to get =- You should find QWizard on the Quake FTP-servers (mainly ftp.cdrom.com) in the directory "pub/quake/utils/frontends" all around the world. [11] History Version History: 0.90 beta 1: - Initial Release 0.90 beta 2: - Fixed various bugs - fine tuned the user interface - added support for Team Fortress - documentation now mentions the in game commands 0.90 beta 3: - configuration support for Head Hunters 1.0 (Version 0.9 was skiped because of the drastic changes to version 1.0) 1.00 beta 1: - totally revisited user interface - additional GOLD pack is availible which adds a few pictures which describe your selection [12] -= The Future =- The following things will be added soon (perhaps up to the release of the next version): - full help system (no HTML-nonsense, a real help how you would expect it from commercial applications like WinWord). The online help will include topics that are not directly connected to QWizard but which are interesting for every Quake player e.g. complete list of console commands (of course with description), configuration examples, etc. - Creation of Game types: This can either be done by: a) Text files: this text files should be stored in the patch directory or will be provided by the patch creator. These text files can contain Custom Game types to Select, Quick Map selection (no more browsing), Default for Additional Commands, new skills, new teamplay options, etc. b) Custom DLLs: a programmer can produce a DLL in every Object oriented programming language. This DLL will can add a new game type to QWizard and can than display Options dialogues e.g. something like CTF which isn't easy to configure can be configured easily with the help of an options dialogue. (It will support Delphi 3 DLLs which are much smaller than Delphi 2 DLLs so it will reduce download time of these DLLs) - every feature you want it to have. Drop us a few lines of what features you want to be implemented and we will see what we can do to add this feature for you (of course you will be credited in the following release). [13] -= Misc =- This product is freeware. If you like it or even love it, feel free to send us some money, so we can develop faster and more efficient. At least tell us, what should be better. Name : Tobias Taschner Address: Dortmund/Germany EMail : TcT@VoB.DE Name : Joerg Stephan Address: Dortmund/Germany FIDO : Joerg Stephan@2:2448/9033.11 [14] -= Legal Stuff =- All rights reserved. QWizard is offered with no warranty or guarantee so use it at your own risk. By using this software you, the user, agree to take full responsibility for anything that happens. We are in no way responsible for anything that may happen. Anyone wishing to include this program in any type of anthology or CD-ROM must get permission from us first. Quake is a trademark of id Software, inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners Good hunting !