Enhanced LIGHT v29. LIGHTdis.zip - unified diff and executable for Win32 LIGHTdis.dif - unified diff ------ Notice Original program by John Carmack of id Software Modifications by Janis Jagars (Disastry) ---------- What's New First release (1-NOV-96) Changes / Additions: 1) now new keys can be used to specify light entities' direction and fading. ** key "mangle" specifies light entities' direction. key must have 3 values. first value is "yaw" angle (degrees), second - "pich" angle, third - not used. dont mix with intermission camera's key "mangle" which specifies X, Y, Z of point where the intermission camera looks at. example: { "classname" "light" "origin" "384 192 256" "light" "600" "mangle" "90 -45 0" } ** key "wait" specifies light entities light fading. key must have 1 value. lower value makes light fade slower. actualy does the same that commandline parameter "-dist" but only for entities that have this key. commandline parameter "-dist" still works. example: { "classname" "light" "origin" "384 192 256" "light" "600" "wait" ".5" } If you like it, hate it, have comments, questions, suggestions, etc etc please email me at ppsaikne@mail.vernet.lv. Thanks!