* THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY id Software * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPLIED AS IS. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK * * YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, SO I CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBE * * FOR ANYTHING BAD THAT HAPPENS FROM IT USE. * Released: 21/May/97 ================================================== Title : Min Light Filename : minlight.exe Version : 1.00 Author : Eric Sambach IRC nick : Munyul Email Address : munyul@viper.net.au Description : A small map utility that allows you to have a min light level in a map, so you don't have to have light entities everywhere! I hope you like the new effects :) Additional Credits to : iD Software. =================================================== * NEW light attribute * "wait" "x" : This is a new attribute for the light entity. Valid values for x are 0 - 255. If x = 0 then there are no changes to the light. If x is non 0 then the light is cast as normal, but for the entire light range the light value is at it's max value. Try it and you'll see what I'm talking about. * Instructions * minlight bspfile -extra : extra light sampling. Takes longer, but looks better :) -dist dist : This is used to tweak the distance a light beam will travel. the default value is 1. Lower values will cause the light to travel a shorter distance. The opposite is true for larger values. -light min : Used to set the minimum light level for the map. Values best selected between 8-32. -range range : This is used to tweak the fade range of the light once it has hit a surface. The default value is 0.5, lower values will make the light range on the surface fade quicker, and the opposite is true for larger values. -threads num : number of process threads (not available in this version). Important Note : You need 64meg memory to run this version of minlight. The 64meg can be entirely made up from virtual disk space, which means you need at least 64meg free on your drive C: for a windows 95 swap file!!! =================================================== * Construction * Base : Modified source code released by iD Software. Editor used : vi Construction time : ?? hours. Known bugs : I believe there is a bug with the shading. I'll fix it ASAP, if I can. ================================================== * Other * Doom: ae_projr.wad, ae_fze.wad and ae_bke.wad. Doom2: ae_tups.wad, ae_sfl.wad, ae_bt.wad and ae_tups2.wad. Quake: muny01.bsp, muny02.bsp, muny03.bsp, muny04.bsp, muny05.bsp, muny06.bsp, muny07.bsp, muny08.bsp, muny09.bsp, muny10.bsp, muny11.bsp, munyctf1.bsp, munyctf2.bsp and munyctf3.bsp. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this EXE, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this BSP * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and all it's mirror's. http://www.viper.net.au/~munyul BBS numbers: Good ones :) Other: IRC: from me, Munyul, in channel #deathmatch on EFNet or #doom2 on UnderNet