PolyEd v1.8 By default, when inserting a new entity, the dialog defaults to that of the selected entity. When inserting a brush or an entity, the 3rd dimmension insertion point is at the same level as the selected brush or entity. (used to be inbetween the limits, and at zero before that). entity dialog now has 9 available key/variable/value things. (ask me for help in loading a previosly saved pem file that used all available keys. -This version may have a few more changes I can't remember. This is probably the final version. Look for my win95 editor "Abime" when it comes out. -Now with a tutorial... PolyEd v1.6 New video mode support. Text boxes are a lot nicer. Proper keyboard buffer clearing before opening dialogs, (would sometimes effect the dialogs when opened.) Expanded to work with Quake101.wad, (had a previous limit of 512 textures). Now inserting new entity will set dialog to selected entities values, making it easy to insert many of the same thing. Fixed minor technical bug that appeared from saving brush with an attached entity that was left blank. New in version 1.5: browse through textures.. you must select a wad file by pressing 't'. You will need to erase the wad entry from the world entity. Small bug fixed: couldn't detach objects from brushes and make it stick. If you had trouble running it: I forgot to put in Cwsdpmi last time. v1.4 This editor will allow you to create any polygon, and move and shape it to any form or position you desire. It will also allow you to use any texture or any new texture name for any side of any brush. It's data file is completely configurable to allow you to add any type of entity, or polygon brush. This editor is unique in that it will allow you to drag brush corners so that you can easily configure brushes into the position you wish. This program has a 3D view option. This program has a special feature called "limits". This will allow you to make much bigger levels than with any other editor. It does this by letting you select the specific region that you are working on in the map. Once you switch to another view the objects that were all stacked on top of eachother are now invisible, allowing you to easily work on a specific area. For example, lets say you were building that skyscraper. Just select a certian floor in xz mode, then switch to xy mode and you can now edit that floor without all the other floors getting in your way. For fast editing you will want to learn to use the f "face" dragging and b "brush" dragging features, rather than moving each corner at a time. Some words of caution, however. This program will not prevent you from turning a brush inside out, which, consequently, will not be compiled properly with qbsp. Remember to rotate rather than invert. Find the right view mode in which to rotate specific objects. Also, this program will allow you drag a corner in a way that it will not be in line with the other corners of the face. This may produce unexpected results in qbsp, although it will still build because only 3 points of the surface will be used to define it. Unfortunately qbsp will not build more than 6 sides on a brush if it is solid. Carmack's supposed to be fixing that, and when he does more shapes will be put into the datafile. You can still make the shapes you want by putting more than one object together. This is a great quake level editor, try it! Author: Matt Joiner e-mail: mortlgrn@sonic.net quake page: http://www.sonic.net/~mortlgrn/quake.html e-mail me for tech support.