================================================================ Title : QUAKE map scale util version 5.0 Filename : qscale5.zip Author : PiRaMidA Email Address : sman@niif.spb.su Description : Simple yet effective utility for scaling quake maps, helps to avoid many problems with complex map editors where you need to do all entity movement and brush rescaling. Supports .map format. Note: Included qscale.map is for TUTORIAL only, and not to be played otherwise =) qscale.wad contains textures needed to compile it. My Maps : Unholy Cave (DM7.ZIP) Arcane World (DM8.ZIP) (rescaled version of latter is available as dm8a.zip ) Additional Credits to : ID Software, for Quake, DaNoLd, from clan Demonic Core, for the idea . He really inspired me to write this thingy =) ================================================================ Comments : What does it do ? It rescales the whole map with all entities by any given value, so you can reduce/enlarge you favourite map. *Smart* features include: 1.light adjusting 2.preserving texture alignment/scaling 3.keeping entities at their respective places even in rescaled map. 4.understands any form of .map file It works with .map format, so you need to recompile your map *completely* after rescaling. Platform : It works fine in character mode Win95, MS-DOS and should be working for any other OS. Source code is provided upon request. * Construction * Build Time : about 10 hours so far Programs used : Borland C++ 3.1 Known Bugs : 1. When scaling the map down you most probably will get "bonus item fell out of the level at .." type of message, or the info_playerstart entity will be in the wall =) Bad luck, you'll have to adjust those entities by hand. Then run qbsp -onlyents 2. Sometimes scaling complex maps you will get qbsp warnings, the solution is to try *slightly* different scaling factors. 3. When scaling map in one particular direction in a number of times you will probably get improper lighting. I suggest running qScale without light adjusting and then adding some more lights along the direction of scaling , in your favourite map editor. * Version info * Version 5.0: Angled textures are now handled in a more proper way. I mean, they were handled ok, but now it's just perfect :) Also included support for UNIX text format, so it should work with maps made in UNIX. Tell me if it's not so, worked for me. :) Plus some very last interface optimizations and sound beep codes (-s parameter) , which are just for fun. It's last version as it looks right now. Version 4.1: bugs bugs don't you just love them ? I released v 4.0 at 6am and then when I woke up I realized that I forgot to actually include the validate thing...Jeez :( So here it is now, working and tested :) Version 4.0: Someone brought to my attention that quest's .map export was NOT working with qScale, so now I made it more flexible - it will understand ANY editors .map export, by validating the map first. Textures on angled brushes are now scaled, too. Last file import/export problems solved... Now I think that's it :) Version 3.0: Rescaling textures, keeping aligned textures in place finally done. There are some bugs with all textures rescaling yet, it will be figured in the next version. This version will keep you happy in most of the cases though. Version 2.0: Added light value adjusting, so that the map brightness will stay about the same. Added individual axes scaling, i.e. scale only Z. Corrected general interface problems :) Version 1.0: Basic rescaling of brushes and corresponding movement of entities * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this program and include it in any quake utils compilation etc., as long as you include my text file and give me credit. Yeah, and I'm not responsible for all HD's that this program will format. It was not supposed to, but who knows. I'm not also responsible for Windows crashes due to this program, and for everything else actually as well. All I can say is that this program runs ok for me, doesn't have viruses as on the current moment, and the output is great :) * Where to get this util * ftp.cdrom.com, many other sites with cool quake stuff :)